
li Li = 【化學】lithium. li. = link...


Aunt li is busy with the affairs of the street committee all day long ; you can hardly ever find her at home . 李大娘成天忙著街道的事兒,家里見不到她的人影兒。

You have said exactly the right thing . mr. li . let us learn from ms. smith and her parents . 你說得很正確,李先生,咱們該向史密斯小姐和她的父母學習。

Wang qiang and li ming , who were at outs with each other for a long time , have now become good friends . 王強與李明兩人過去長期不和,現在成了好朋友。

The workers' and peasants' red army victoriously completed its unprecedented 25,000 li long march . 工農紅軍勝利地完成了史無前例的二萬五千里長征。

Actually , we 'll always be indebted to mr. li and mr. wang for what they have done for us . 實際上,我們要感謝李先生和王先生為我們所做的一切。

Well , mr. chen , shall we ask mr. li and mr. wang to go with ms. smith ? 那么,陳先生,我們請李先生和王先生陪同史密斯小姐去,好嗎?

The tang dynasty produced a host of great poets , such as li bai , du fu and bai juyi . 唐朝有很多大詩人,像李白、杜甫、白居易等。

I am deeply grateful to you both for your kind encouragement , ms. smith and mr. li . 史密斯小姐和李先生,我非常感激你們的贊譽。

We have heard that mr. li would go to the u.s. as a foreign exchange student soon . 聽說李先生不久將作為外國交換學生被派往美國。

Well , mr. li , “ business is business . “ our factory should look after that . 那么,李先生“公事公辦”,這筆帳由我們廠支付。

Ok . leave this to me , ms. smith . well , where is your car , mr. li ? 好,史密斯小姐,讓我去取。李先生,你的車停在哪里?

Help yourselves to tea and the meaningful cakes , mr. li and mr. wang . 李先生和王先生,請不要客氣,請喝茶,同時吃月餅。

Mr. li , i was told its beautiful coloring will look better as time as goes on . 李先生,我聽說,時間越久,顏色越鮮艷。

I would like to , mr. li ; but i have no cash on hand , what a pity ! 李先生,我也想買,可是我身上沒帶錢。真糟糕!

Oh . mr. li and mr. wang , your recommendations make my mouth water . 李先生和王先生,你們推薦的菜我一定滿意。

She started grumbling after walking only a few li . she 's really too soft . 她才走幾里地就叫苦,未免太嬌了。

Thank you very much , mr. li , i am greatly encouraged by what you say . 多謝,李先生,你的話使人深受鼓舞。

We therefore asked mr. li , our secretary , to welcome you on our behalf . 所以請李秘書代表大家去迎接你。

Hello , mr. chen . this is li ming from the overseas chinese hotel . 喂,陳先生,我是李明,在華僑大廈。