
lf LF = low frequency 【無線電】低頻。


And said , “ lf you say this , it ' s gonna look good for you . 如果你這么說對你有利。

Lf you need me , sir , l could get some time off 如果您需要我,先生,我可以為您服務

Lf you know anything , anything - - not alone -如果你知道什么,任何線索-不是單獨的

Lf you see me on the street , don ' t even say hi 如果你從街上看到我不要跟我打招呼

Lf l had known rich was screwing that girl . . 假如我知道瑞奇和那姑娘有一腿. .

- lf you know anything , anything - not alone -如果你知道什么,任何線索-不是單獨的

Lf l had known rich was involved with that girl 假如我知道瑞奇和那姑娘有關系

Lf you could grab a leg . - i don ' t want to go 麻煩你幫我抓住一條腿。 -我不想走。

No , you don ' t have to . lf you see me itching 不,不必這么做.如果你看見我抓癢

Lf he could ' ve , that ' s what he would have said 如果他能寫信的話他就會這么寫的

Lf you keep complaining do you get what you want 你不斷抱怨的,你就真的得到了?

Lf you live nearby , he must have gone home 如果你住在附近,它一定很快就會回去的

You want to stay here ? - lf there ' s enough room 你想住在這里? -如果有空房間的話

Lf you can ' t remember it , that would be even better 如果你記不起我來那就更好

- victor . - lf it helps , think of this as a promotion -維克多-就當這是我升你的職

Lf the notes don ' t go together , they ' re only noises 如果音符不整齊那么就是噪音

Lf you sign and honor your side of them , 如果你們簽字,并且履行這上面規定的義務

No , lf you do l ' ll . . . - all right , goddamn 不,如果你這樣做我就…好吧,該死

Lf those guys can leave their work at the office , 那些人不會把工作上的事帶回家