
lez n.〔美俚〕女同性戀者〔常帶貶意,=lesbian〕。

leze majesty

Apart from professor tsui , these include : ms chava alberstein , a singer from israel , professor bruce alberts , the president of national academy of science , usa , mr honoch bartov , a writer and professor from israel , mr jona goldrich , a philanthropist from usa , mr felipe gonz lez marquez , the former prime minister of spain , mrs petra roth , the mayor of frankfurt , germany , and dr felix zandman , an industrialist from usa 今屆學位頒獎禮上,特拉維夫大學一共頒授了八個榮譽學位給來自世界不同國家的杰出人士,徐校長是其中一位。其他七位獲頒授學位的杰出人士包括以色列著名歌唱家mschavaalberstein 、美國國家科學院professorbrucealberts 、以色列著名作家兼教授honochbartov ,美國著名慈善家mrjonagoldrich ,西班牙前總理mrfelipegonz ? lezmarquez ,德國法蘭克福市長mrs

Real madrid captain ra l gonz lez traveled to senegal this week as a goodwill ambassador for the food and agriculture organization of the united nations ( fao ) to pitch in to help fight hunger in africa 皇家馬德里隊長勞爾?岡薩雷斯本周作為fao親善大使訪問了塞內加爾,為非洲像饑餓所作的斗爭出自己的一份力量。

Appiano gentile - cristian kily gonz lez and javier zanetti returned to angelo moratti sports centre this morning after the south american world cup qualifying tournament match with argentina at the weekend 在隨阿根廷參加完上周末的世界杯南美賽區預選賽后,今天早上基利和薩內蒂回到了安杰洛?莫拉蒂訓練中心。

Goals in each half from ricardo quaresma and captain lucho gonz lez inflicted a first loss of the campaign on cska while giving a huge shot in the arm to the portuguese champions ' hopes 夸雷斯馬和l -岡薩雷斯上下半場的各自進球送給了cska第一場小組賽的敗仗,同時給葡萄牙人晉級的希望打了一支強心針。

Juan francisco and mar a luisa v lez are the founders of protege tu corazon . they live in colombia 胡安?弗朗西斯科和瑪麗亞?路易莎?維勒茲住在哥倫比亞,是“保護你的心靈”的創始人。

It trundled through the darkness to just outside san antonio , where the driver , luis gonz lez , stopped for a rest 司機路易斯.岡薩雷斯在黑暗中到達圣安東尼奧城外時停下來休息。

Appiano gentile - kily gonz lez is back from a highly successful summer with the argentine national team 從阿根廷國家隊歸來的基利?岡薩雷斯度過了一個成功的夏天。

Pacho ' s owner , nelson gonz lez , said no one should blame the donkey for sunday s crash 帕奇歐的主人納爾遜-崗薩雷茲說,不該把上周日發生的碰撞事故歸咎于那頭驢子。

Useful information on the city of castelnau le lez , on the public transport , services of the town hall -有關卡斯坦爾諾市有關的信息,公共交通,市政服務等等