
leyden n.萊頓〔荷蘭城市〕。 Leyden jar [bott...


That electricity from a leyden jar or an electric machine would cause the legs of a dead frog to move . 萊頓瓶或電器發出來的電竟使死蛙的腿動起來。

This was unlike the leyden jar, which merely gave a sudden rush of current . 這與萊頓瓶不一樣,萊頓瓶只能驟然發出一股電流。

The use of the leyden jar was that it enables electricity to be stored . 萊頓瓶的用途是能蓄電。

The next step was the invention of the leyden jar . 下一步,是萊頓瓶的發明。