
ley n.牧草地。


I wanted to tell miss ley something of the kind, but somehow or other i can never get an opportunity . 我也曾想找萊伊小姐談談象今天跟您談的同樣的內容的話,可不知怎么卻總是找不到機會。

She lived in fear that her vision would be disturbed and she would find herself again within the prison walls of court leys . 她唯恐這幻覺被干擾,唯恐她又陷身萊伊府第的四壁牢墻之內。

Bertha having grown a little stronger without previously mentioning her intention she brought her brother to court leys . 伯莎的病情稍有好轉,她沒有說明緣由便把哥哥領到了萊伊府第。

Much of the value of the timothy/meadow fescue ley for milk production is attributable to its palatability . 梯牧草草地牛毛輪作草場對于飼養奶牛的主要價值,就在于其適口性好。

Miss ley noticed that marriage had dispelled the shyness that had been in him rather an attractive feature . 萊伊小姐注意到,結婚已驅散了他身上原來的那種頗受人注意的靦腆特征。

It was not to be expected that miss ley would explain before making the affair a good deal more complicated . 由于萊伊小姐以前沒能說明這件事,因此使事情變得很不好理解了。

A long-standing engagement of bertha and miss ley forced him to take leave of them in the afternoon . 伯莎和萊伊小姐有個很久以前預訂的約會,這迫使他在下午與他們道別。

Miss ley was surprised at the girl's expansiveness, contrasting with her old reserve . 使萊伊小姐還感到驚異的是,這姑娘以前是沉默寡言的,而現在卻滔滔不絕。

Next day while bertha was shopping with her husband, gerald and miss ley sat alone . 第二天,當伯莎和丈夫一起在商店買東西時,杰拉爾德和萊伊小姐乏味地坐著。

The leys had gone down into the darkness of death, and her children would bear another name . 萊伊族已經墮入死亡的黑暗深淵了,她的孩子們將具有另外的名字。

Miss ley would gladly have escaped an afternoon of small talk with the notabilities of leanham . 利小姐慶幸逃脫了同利恩哈姆那些名貴們一個下午的瑣事閑談。

Craddock was nervously thinking of something to say, miss ley made no effort to help him . 克雷杜克緊張不安地想談點什么,萊伊小姐沒設法幫助他解除窘境。

In a sense, output from leys in the form of milk and meat is a by-product of tillage farming . 在某種意義上,輪作草場所生產的奶和肉只是種植業的副產品。

She would have the opportunity to settle herself at court leys without fuss or bother . 她將悄悄地在蕭伊府第安頓下來,可以避免大驚小怪和不必要的忙亂。

Bertha made the remark, smiling good-naturedly at her husband, but miss ley drew conclusions . 伯莎溫存地對丈夫說著這些話,萊伊小姐卻在心里作著結論。

She felt that between herself and miss ley alone the necessary explanations would be awkward . 她感到在她和萊伊小姐之間進行必要的解釋這件事難于處理。

Bertha was devoutly grateful to miss ley for her opportune return on gerald's last night . 伯莎萬分感激萊伊小姐在杰拉德的那最后一夜里適時趕回家。

It must be said in favour of leys that they give much more flexibility in grass land management . 必須充分肯定輪作草場在管理方面有較大的靈活性。

With a straight face speer appointed ley on the spot “commissioner of death ray“ . 斯佩爾裝出一本正經的神氣,當場委任萊伊為“死光制造局局長”。