
lexis n.辭,辭匯。


The present study undertakes an examination of lexical repetition in english and chinese statutes with the help of linguistic models and legal theories . the analysis aims to demonstrate types of lexical repetition in statutes , and to investigate their functions in statutes and their contributions to legal rules . the thesis argues for an approach to the study of legal text , which takes into account the significant role of lexis in text = bhaia , macy等學者提出重復( repetiion )是實現法律法規一些特性,如確定性ke而flty入準確性( pfccisioul和涵蓋性ul inclusheness )的重要手段之一,但是對重復是如何實現這些特性的,則很少有學者和研究者涉足。

This thesis will rely on previous studies of instructions on the general rules and language functions , and modification of teacher talk to carry on a multi - layer study on junior middle school teachers “ instructions with aspect of linguistic forms and language functions in chinese efl classrooms . after study on the transcriptions of 30 lectures ( 10 lectures are given by in - service teachers , 10 lectures are given by pre - service teachers and 10 lectures are given by the winners in fine - quality classroom competitions ) of efl classroom of junior middle schools in china , the major findings are : ( 1 ) the teachers likely use some devices with respect to prosody ( temporal variables ) , lexis , syntax and discourse to simplify and clarify the complex instructions to match the requirement of junior middle school students “ listening comprehension . ( 2 ) there are about three factors that cause the ineffective instructions 本文在前人的關于教師語言的調整,指令語及其表達功能的研究基礎上以何安平教授建立《中學英語教育語料庫( mstm ) 》中的近17 . 7萬字的子語庫《英語課堂教學語料庫( msee ) 》為研究語料,選擇了其中30節初中英語課為研究對象,對教師指令語的言語形式及其語言功能進行了較為深入的描述分析,發現: ( 1 )在音律層面,中國中學英語教師習慣川停頓來放慢語速或在一些難詞之前做停頓以便達到讓學生理解的要求:詞匯層面,教師慣用一些表達方式來給指令語;句法層面,教師也是盡量用簡單句來簡化指令語;語篇層面,初中英語課堂上教師常用一些信號詞來起始解釋性指令語,并少用宏觀語篇標記詞來幫助學生理解,但卻常用微觀語篇標記詞來吸引學生的注意力。

It also scrutinizes the relationships among lexis , texts and contexts , which accounts for why it deals with lexical repetition in particular rather than other forms . it is suggested that repetition can be analyzed from different perspectives : types , functions , style , and cohesion 英國學者hoey從銜接kohesion )的角度提出詞匯復現0pition )在非敘述性文體中有著不同的表現形式和功能,為我們進一步研究詞匯復現問ekicalrepeition )奠定了基礎。

The central section of the book is a presentation of current english grammar at sentence , clause , phrase , and word level ; with the last chapters covering grammar in relation to discourse , word - formation , lexis , pronunciation and intonation , punctuation , and spelling 該中心地段的這本書介紹了當前英語語法上句,第,短語,以及文字水平;與上次章節涵蓋語法有關的話語,構詞法,詞匯,語音和語調,標點符號,拼寫。

In modern chinese , classified word formation is a big advantage that has greatly increased the rate of gram reusing and lexis identification and thus has promoted chinese to be a concise and highly efficient language 摘要現代漢語根字屬性及其歸類構詞的基本規律,使得歸類構詞成為現代漢語的一大優勢,大大提高了漢字的復用率和漢語詞匯的識別率,使漢語成為一種“簡捷高效”的語言。

Geoffrey crothall , “ beijing hosts china ' s first aids summit for gays , “ south china morning post , 23 november 1992 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 23 november 1992 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com 12月1日在世界艾滋病日當天舉行的一個會議上,衛生部部長陳敏章宣布在對200萬中國人進行測試后,發現969人是艾滋病病毒陽性,并有12人已經成為艾滋病患者。

“ chinese official briefs international meeting on aids policy , “ xinhua , 24 july 1992 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 30 july 1992 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com 7月24日中國派出了第一個代表團參加國際艾滋病會議。在會議上中國宣布了國家的中期艾滋病防治政策并證實中國已經有11個艾滋病病人。

“ china announces 12 - year program of aids control , “ xinhua , 30 november 1998 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 30 november 1998 , http : / / www . lexsnexis . com 11月30日中國官方公布了1998 - 2010年艾滋病預防和控制的中長期計劃。這個計劃的目標是將中國到2010年艾滋病病毒感染人數控制在150萬以下。

Chan wai - fong , “ 70 pc of aids cases ‘ are drug addicts , ’ ” south china morning post , 27 december 1994 , p . 6 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 27 december 1994 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com 12月27日衛生部的疾病控制司報告在中國70 %的艾滋病病毒感染者是共用針具進行靜脈注射毒品者。

“ china has not yet discovered aids patients , “ xinhua , 24 october 1986 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 24 october 1986 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com 10月4名中國血友病患者在使用美國進口的血液制品后被發現艾滋病病毒陽性,這是中國官方第一次有關中國公民艾滋病病毒陽性的報道。

Amy woo , “ china - health : aids makes deadly inroads in the hinterlands , “ inter press service ( new delhi ) , 24 april 1997 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 24 april 1997 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com 4月7日在世界衛生日的紀念會上,衛生部長陳敏章說“艾滋病現在正在中國流行” 。

“ china emphasizes prevention and monitoring of aids , “ xinhua , 5 august 1989 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 5 august 1989 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com 8月5日在北京舉行的國家艾滋病政策研討會上,衛生部長陳敏章報道中國共有25例艾滋病病毒感染,其中3人已發展成為艾滋病。

“ china has massive aids education drive , “ xinhua , 1 december 1995 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 1 december 1995 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com 12月1日世界艾滋病日公布的數字表明,現在中國有2 , 594名中國人感染艾滋病病毒,其中80名發展成艾滋病, 50名已經死亡。

“ aids can be checked in china - experts , “ xinhua , 22 july 1987 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 4 may 1987 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com 7月22日據中國青年報報道,衛生部長陳敏章認為艾滋病在中國是可以控制的,因為導致艾滋病傳播的同性戀和亂交在中國是被禁止的。

“ guangdong steps up fight against aids , “ xinhua , 30 november 1991 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 30 november 1991 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com 11月30日在世界艾滋日的演講中,衛生部部長陳敏章報告艾滋病病毒感染人數已經上升到615名,其中8名發展成艾滋病。

“ china to launch nationwide aids prevention campaign , ” deutsche presse - agentur , 28 october 1995 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 28 october 1998 , http : / / www . lexsnexis . com 10月28日據官方報道,現有2 , 248名中國人感染艾滋病病毒,其中77名發展成艾滋病。

“ aids virus - infected patients taken good care of , “ xinhua , 7 december 1987 ; n lexis - nexis academic universe , 7 december 1987 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com 2月7日中國報道`第一例13歲的中國血友病患者因使用進口的血液制品而感染艾滋病死亡。

“ beijing opens ' aids hotline , ' “ xinhua , 9 april 1992 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 9 april 1992 , http : / / www . lexisnexis . com 4月9日中國衛生教育研究所宣布在北京開設一條艾滋病熱線。他們保證所有打電話來咨詢的人都將會被保密。

“ anti - aids tour gets on track , “ china daily , 1 november 1999 ; in lexis - nexis academic universe , 1 november 1999 , http : / / www . lexsnexis . com 11月1日一個抗艾滋病的團體首次在北京至烏蘭巴托的火車上為乘客提供艾滋病防治的宣傳。