
lexicon n.1.(尤指希臘語、希伯來語或拉丁語的)辭典。2.特殊...


When i created the lexicon ' s timelines , however , i stuck with what seemed to be the most concise canon reference 然而,在我整理《百科全書》的時間線時,我盡量選擇那些看起來更加簡練并已經出版的參考物。

Editing lexicon of army information is a main subject of operation document processing , which is a special field of nlp 軍用信息電子詞典的研制是作戰文書自動生成這一特定語言處理領域的一項重要工作。

As always , the lexicon is aimed at law students , especially first - year law students , with an interest in legal theory 一如既往,這個詞典乃是為了初入法科門徑,而又對法律理論抱有興趣的初學者所編寫。

The factors that will affect the access of the mental lexicon can be summed up to cognitive restriction and pragmatic restriction 影響心理詞匯提取的因素有很多,可以歸總為認知制約和語用制約兩大項。

Periodically during these years , uncle vernon ' s sister [ url = “ http : / / www . hp - lexicon . org / muggle / marge . html “ ] marge [ / url ] would visit the dursleys 這些年,弗農姨夫的姐姐瑪姬都會定期地拜訪德思禮家。

This paper attempts to explore the impact on the translated texts exerted by the translators ' choice of the mental lexicon 在翻譯活動中,這兩種因素作用于譯者的主觀能動性,從而制約了譯文的質量。

These knowledge sources provide information at four levels : phonetic level , lexicon level , language level , and acoustic decoder level 知識可在語音詞典語言和解碼四個級別上加以提取和應用。

We also propose a new approach to compute similarity between two documents which utilize a relevancy lexicon 在傳統向量空間模型的基礎上提出了一種利用關聯詞典計算文檔間語義相似度的方法。

The world knowledge needed in the algorithm is included in ontology , and lexical knowledge in the semantic lexicon 算法中需要的世界知識和漢語詞級知識分別包含在ontology和語義詞典中。

According to the lexicon , arthur ' s year of birth is unknown , but we can extrapolate based on his oldest child ' s age 根據百科全書,亞瑟的出生年份不詳,但我們可以由他的長子的年齡推斷。

We make use of wordnet , a semantics lexicon , as a knowledge source to be integerated into our system 在wordnet上作的很多基礎性的工作,使wordnet成為一個容易使用的知識庫。

Mortally : after all , it s tough work fagging away at a language with no master but a lexicon “累極了,那么孜孜不倦學一門語言,沒有老師,只靠一部詞典,畢竟是吃力的。 ”

This entry in the legal theory lexicon theory will examine the concept of legitimacy from various angles 法理詞典的這個條目將從多個角度檢視“正當性”這個概念。

In unit 2 you were exposed to the changes in english vocabulary and the sources of the english lexicon 這里的提示分兩部分,第一部分告訴你是在第幾單元學習過。

That was their first word and their last . it constituted their whole lexicon of ideas 那就是他們的第一個也是最后一個意見,也就是他們思想的全部詞匯。

In addition , some commonly used wdc words are selected and added to the lexicon 一些普通話中常用的吳方言詞匯也被選擇出來,加入到發音詞典中。

This is a function of the lexicon subsystem , which is described shortly 這是lexicon子系統的一個功能,我們將簡單地描述一下。

Mental lexicon and it ' s applications for the improvement of english listening abilities 心理詞典及其對英語聽力能力培養的作用

Semantic representation in bilingual mental lexicon and sl vocabulary acquisition 從二語詞匯習得看雙語心理字典中的語義表征