
lexicography n.辭典編纂(法),辭典學。


The thriving studies on grammaticalization ( full word ' s grammaticalization ) , syntactical functions extension , rationale for compound words , grammaticalization ( lexicalization ) , iconicity , etymology , lexicography , etc . in modern linguistics are directing researchers ' attention to the diachronic and historic perspective in the synchronic research of the lexical semantics of modem chinese 摘要現代語言學研究中的語法化(實詞虛化) 、詞性引申研究,復合詞理據義研究,語法化(詞匯化)研究,象似性、詞源研究,詞典編纂研究等的興盛,帶動了現代漢語詞匯語義的共時研究對歷時、歷史視角的關注。

Abstract : on the basis of the author ' s theoretical study on translation and bilingual lexicography and her own experience in translating the new oxford dictionary of english , this paper attempts to find out the criteria for translating entry words in english - chinese dictionaries 摘要:作者通過學習研究翻譯學和雙語詞典學的有關理論知識,并根據自己參與編譯《新牛津英漢雙解詞典》的實踐經驗,試圖揭示英漢詞典中的詞條翻譯標準。

Is a pioneer in modern bilingual lexicography and the first dictionary of its kind to be compiled based on the statistical evidence of vast electronic databanks of real language , both written and spoken 為全世界的語言專家所稱道,是當代雙語詞典的先鋒,并且是最早的英- -法詞典。它是以大量的現實書面語和口語為基礎編撰而成的。

This paper points out a close relationship between linguistics and lexicography , and expounds the research results in linguistics in brief , esppcially how to apply the results to dictionary - making 摘要語言學與詞典編纂的關系密不可分,語用學是語言學的一個較新領域,詞典應該既充分描述語言知識,又反映語用知識。

Phrase equivalence pair is very useful for bilingual lexicography , machine translation and crossing - language information retrieval 摘要短語等價對在詞典編纂、機器翻譯和跨語言信息檢索中有著廣泛的應用。

I heard the professor ' s discourse on english lexicography 我聽了教授所作的關于英語辭典學的學術講演。

Language , dictionary and lexicography 語言183 ;詞典與詞典學