
lexicographer n.辭典編纂者。


Professional affiliations : deputy head , fujian association of foreign languages and literature ; deputy head , fujian lexicographers ' association ; executive council member , china association for intercultural communication ; council member , china pragmatics association 社會兼職:省外文學會副會長、省辭書學會副會長、中國跨文化交際研究會常務理事、中國語用學研究會理事。

As a lexicographer , johnson distinguished himself as the author of the first english dictionary by an englishman - - - - a dictionary of the english language , a gigantic task which johnson undertook single - handedly and finished in over seven years 作為詞典編撰者,約翰遜是編撰英文詞典的第一個英國人,作品為《英文大詞典》 ,這部巨著是塞繆爾.約翰遜花了七年時間獨自完成的。

Distinguished professor , chairman of foreign languages college , fudan university ; editor - in - chief of “ the english - chinese dictionary ” ; linguist and lexicographer ; expert in shakespearean study 復旦大學外文學院院長、杰出教授, 《英漢大詞典》主編,語言學家,詞典編撰學家,莎士比亞研究專家。

It gives lexicographers ( people who write dictionaries ) access to a more vibrant , up - to - date vernacular language which has never really been studied before 這給詞典編纂者(寫字典的人)一個途徑去接近更有共鳴更現代的之前從未真正研究的本土語言。

A brief review on the approaches to usage in monolingual dictionary is of fered in this paper , which can be used as a good example for china ' s lexicographers 語言學中的許多研究成果,尤其是語用學的研究成果大量應用在詞典編纂中。

In his dictionary , which is not without jokes , dr johnson had defined a lexicographer as a “ harmless drudge “ 約翰遜博士的字典不乏諧趣,例如把字典編纂員解作為不會為禍的苦工。