
lexical adj.1.辭匯的。2.辭典編纂上的。adv.-ly


Sets the name and lexical scope of this local variable 設置該局部變量的名稱和詞法范圍。

On the semantic essence of the lexical system 試論詞匯系統的語義性本質

The end offset of the current lexical scope 當前詞法范圍的結束偏移量。

Means of lexical cohesion and guessing the meanings of new words 詞匯銜接手段與猜測詞義

Lexical access to chinese coordinative words 漢語并列式合成詞的詞匯通達

Lexical study and translation of shakespeare ' s drama 莎劇詞匯研究與翻譯

The lexical access theory in speech production 言語產生中的詞匯通達理論

Lexical cohesion in chinese and english discourses 英漢篇章中的詞語銜接

Mechanism of lexical access in bilingual speech production 雙語言語產生中的詞匯提取機制

The byte offset within the method of the lexical scope 詞法范圍的方法內的字節偏移量。

Lexical cohesion in reading comprehension 詞匯銜接手段在閱讀理解中的作用

Lexical features in engineering english discourse 工程英語語篇的詞匯特征

Applications of modern category theory to lexical field 現代范疇理論在詞匯領域中的應用

The lexical scopes enclosed by the current lexical scope 詞法范圍由當前詞法范圍封閉。

Defines a single variable in the current lexical scope 在當前詞法范圍內定義單個變量。

The child lexical scopes that of the current lexical scope 當前詞法范圍的子詞法范圍。

Gets the method that contains the current lexical scope 獲取包含當前詞法范圍的方法。

The start offset of the current lexical scope 當前詞法范圍的起始偏移量。

Lexical deviation and its stylistic effects in english texts 英語詞匯變異及其文體效果