
lewis n.1.路易斯〔姓氏,男子名, Louis 的異體〕。2...


Lewis . say something . what do you think 劉易斯,說點什么,你怎么認為?

Former webster star emmanuel lewis goes toe - to - toe 對陣的雙方是前拼詞明星以瑪利劉易斯

Miss lewis : well , you do still have three weeks 你還有三個星期的時間。

Kevin lewis was waiting quietly near the back of the line 劉凱文靜靜地在隊伍后面等著。

Lewis . . . say something . what do you think 劉易斯,說點什么,你怎么認為?

All right , i ' ll give it to parker and lewis then . . 好吧,我會把這案子交給派克和路易斯

It ' s going to say that detective lewis was coked out of his head 會說路易斯死前曾吸毒

It was adapted from a novel by sinclair lewis 它是根據辛克萊?劉易斯的一部小說改寫的。

Detective lewis makes black man number three 路易斯就是他殺的第三個黑人

Paul lewis have you lost your natural mind 保羅劉易斯,你喪失理智了嗎?

Perfect ! - i ' ll be right back , mr . lewis 棒極了! -我馬上回來,萊斯先生

( allan , lewis . “ strange fruit . “ perf . billie holliday 路易斯?艾倫: “奇異的果實” 。

John henry lewis , he ' s your number two in line 約翰?亨利?路易斯他是你的二號種子選手

- perfect ! - i ' ll be right back , mr . lewis -棒極了! -我馬上回來,萊斯先生

All right , i ' ll give it to parker and lewis then 好吧,我會把這案子交給派克和路易斯

Lewis prothero : oh my god . . . it is you 路易斯?普若瑟羅:哦天哪… …是你!

Ashley renee martin and lewis gibson warsher ll 艾希莉芮妮馬丁和劉易斯吉普森沃瑟爾

Say you put braddock back in the game against lewis 如果你在讓布洛克跟路易斯打一場

Who cares , lewis ? it ' s better than real school 無所謂,路易斯這比真正的學校好多了