
lewd adj.1.好色的,淫猥的。2.〔古語〕粗野的,卑鄙的,...


The future prime minister remained equally when at oxford - as this extraordinary picture of him making a lewd hand gesture demonstrates . a photograph of tony blair as a long - haired , boater - wearing student was reproduced in a number of newspapers with focus on his less than prime ministerial hand gesture 布萊爾學生時代的一張照片日前在很多家報紙被轉載,照片上的布萊爾蓄著長頭發戴著一頂硬草帽,更引人注目的是,這位首相先生在照片中做了一個與其如今身份極不相稱的手勢。

The future prime minister remained equally impish when at oxford - as this extraordinary picture of him making a lewd hand gesture demonstrates . a photograph of tony blair as a long - haired , boater - wearing student was reproduced in a number of newspapers with focus on his less than prime ministerial hand gesture 布萊爾學生時代的一張照片日前在很多家報紙被轉載,照片上的布萊爾蓄著長頭發戴著一頂硬草帽,更引人注目的是,這位首相先生在照片中做了一個與其如今身份極不相稱的手勢。

Books of etiquette advised unmarried ladies not to dance the waltz , either in public or in private , because ( as the romantic poet , byron , put it ) the lewd grasp and lawless contact warm would not leave much mystery for the nuptial night 有關禮儀的書籍忠告未婚女子,無論公開或私下,都不要跳華爾茲舞,因為(正如浪漫主義詩人拜倫所寫) “猥褻的摟抱和放蕩的接觸帶來的溫情” ,將不會給新婚之夜留下多少神秘。

Behold , therefore i have stretched out my hand over thee , and have diminished thine ordinary food , and delivered thee unto the will of them that hate thee , the daughters of the philistines , which are ashamed of thy lewd way 結16 : 27因此、我伸手攻擊你、減少你應用的糧食、又將你交給恨你的非利士眾女、眾女是城邑的意思本章下同使他們任意待你他們見你的淫行、為你羞恥。

His production company is simian films . grant was arrested for lewd conduct after cops found him with divine brown , a prostitute , in his car . he pleaded no contest and got a 1 , 180 fine and two years probation 1982年,一次偶然的機會中,他參加了學校戲劇系制作的影片特權privileged的演出,因其出色的天賦的演技而被電影界幾人看中,從此走進影壇。

So i stretched out my hand against you and reduced your territory ; i gave you over to the greed of your enemies , the daughters of the philistines , who were shocked by your lewd conduct 27因此、我伸手攻擊你、減少你應用的糧食、又將你交給恨你的非利士眾女、眾女是城邑的意思本章下同使他們任意待你他們見你的淫行、為你羞恥。

“ and i took hold of my concubine and cut her in pieces and sent her throughout the land of israel ' s inheritance ; for they have committed a lewd and disgraceful act in israel 士20 : 6我就把我妾的尸身切成塊子、使人拿著傳送以色列得為業的全地因為基比亞人在以色列中行了兇淫丑惡的事。

But larry craig says his actions were misconstrued , saying he should not have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges involving lewd conduct in a men ' s room 但是拉里?克雷格說他的行為遭到了曲解,他聲稱他本不該就對自己有關在男衛生間里做出猥褻行為(有歧義)的不正當指控認罪。

The rules are simple : women only , no lewd behaviour , and moves such as leg drops or submission holds are allowed as long as a pillow is used 科西介紹說, “枕頭大戰聯盟”比賽的規則很簡單? ?參賽者限于女性,比賽過程中禁止任何下流行為, “打手”間所有出擊都必須使用枕頭。

Funny how lewd , crude , vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace , but public discussion of god is suppressed in the school and workplace 實在好笑。猥褻的、粗俗的、不雅的、和淫穢的文章透過電腦通路無阻礙地流傳;而學校和工作場合卻禁止人公開討論上帝。

I took my concubine , cut her into pieces and sent one piece to each region of israel ' s inheritance , because they committed this lewd and disgraceful act in israel 6我就把我妾的尸身切成塊子,使人拿著傳送以色列得為業的全地,因為基比亞人在以色列中行了兇淫丑惡的事。

But larry craig says his actions were misconstrued , saying he should not have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges involving lewd conduct in a men ' s room 但是拉里?克雷格說他的行為遭到了曲解,他聲稱他本不該就對自己有關在男衛生間里做出猥褻行為的不正當指控辯解。

Includes all pornography , erotic images , or otherwise lewd or obscene content . the designation of “ adult material “ is left entirely to the discretion of hostlike . com -包括所有下流淫穢的黃色內容和圖片,以及hostlike . com認為屬于這一性質的內容及圖片。

The future prime minister remained equally impish when at oxford - as this extraordinary picture of him making a lewd hand gesture demonstrates 這位如今的首相先生在牛津大學上學時仍不改頑皮個性,這張帶有他做著下流姿勢的特殊照片便可以證明這一點。

The future prime minister remained equally when at oxford - as this extraordinary picture of him making a lewd hand gesture demonstrates 這位如今的首相先生在牛津大學上學時仍不改頑皮個性,這張帶有他做著下流姿勢的特殊照片便可以證明這一點。

But larry craig says his actions were misconstrued , saying he should not have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges involving lewd conduct in a men ' s room 他表示關于他在男士洗手間內的猥褻行為是被誤解的,他本不該認罪而被判輕罪。

He thought of his old dread of woman , of the beast of the scriptures , at once lewd and wild 他想到自己過去對女人懷有的恐懼,想到了圣經中所描寫的怪獸,這只怪獸淫蕩而又臊臭。

And they slept with her . as men sleep with a prostitute , so they slept with those lewd women , oholah and oholibah 44人與阿荷拉、并阿荷利巴二淫婦茍合、好像與妓女茍合。

Beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials should not contain any lewd or indecent images or language 酒廣告及促銷宣傳品不應當含有猥褻或下流話語。