
levy n.利維〔姓氏〕。


They levied troops when the war took place 戰爭爆發時,他們強行征集軍隊。

Driven levy you don ' t make it easy on us , tad 你給我們的活不輕松阿,泰德

Exemption from payment of business registration fee and levy 豁免繳付商業登記費及徵費

The nation levied all able - bodied man for the war 國家征召所有壯丁參戰。

Business registration certificate levy to be increased 增加商業登記證徵費

[ driven levy you don ' t make it easy on us , tad 你給我們的活不輕松阿,泰德

Tea economy under the levy system in the tang dynasty 唐代稅榷制下的茶政經濟思想分析

On the levy management of the personal income tax 試論個人所得稅的征收管理

The pressure on dams and levies is very strong 對大壩和征稅的壓力非常大。

A receipt will be issued for each payment of levy 本處會于每次收取徵款后印發收據。

Traffic accident victims assistance fund annual levy 交通意外傷亡者援助基金每年徵款

The government levies taxes for national expenses 政府為國家的開支而征稅。

Levies on licensed vehicles . levies on driving licences 向領牌車輛之車主另徵稅項;

What are the options for payment of levy 繳交征款,有什么付款方式可供選擇

Julian levy took a couple of her paintings to new york 朱莉婭.蘭維拿了幾幅畫到紐約

Environmental levy on plastic shopping bags proposed 環保署建議徵收購物膠袋環保費

Do not know this is what exorbitant taxes and levies 不知道這是什么苛捐雜稅

A proposal on an environmental levy on plastic shopping bags 連結到香港政府一站通

A brief analysis of levying social ensuring taxes in china 淺議我國開征社會保障稅