
levity n.1.輕率,輕浮,輕薄。2.變化無常。3.〔罕用語〕輕...


Singular , communed the guest with himself , the wonderfully unequal faculty of metempsychosis possessed by them , that the puerperal dormitory and the dissecting theatre should be the seminaries of such frivolity , that the mere acquisition of academic titles should suffice to transform in a pinch of time these votaries of levity into exemplary practitioners of an art which most men anywise eminent have esteemed the noblest 客人聞訖,暗自思量: “彼等具有之神奇的輪回力實無與倫比,不同凡響。產院與解剖室均已變為輕佻話語之操練廳。然而一旦獲得學位,彼等輕浮蕩子搖身一變即成為被杰出人士譽為最高尚技藝之典范實踐者。

Since market develops so fast and enterprise management is not normlised , a lot of managing patterns are still in feeling about phase , . which brings about many demand obscures and levities to the enterprise information management system . so the development and maintenance of universal enterprise information management systems becomes very difficult 由于市場的快速發展和企業管理的不規范,很多管理模式還處于摸索階段,使得企業信息管理系統建設中存在諸多需求模糊、要求多變等因素,這給開發和維護通用企業信息管理系統帶來諸多困難。

The development of the technology make the sale environment complex and levity . the sale goal of enterprise depends on many factors . it need to construct a self - contained sale organization from strategy and use the up to date technology and modern manage measures , and realize the fixed sale aim by scientific sale management 隨著我國加入wto ,房地產市場的競爭日趨激烈,顧客需求變化加快,科技的發展帶來銷售環境的復雜與多變,房地產企業的銷售目標不可能期望個人的努力就可以實現,而是需要從戰略的高度出發,建設完備的銷售組織體系,利用最新的科學技術和現代化的管理方法,結合市場,行業競爭及房地產企業發展的現實情況,通過科學的銷售管理實現企業既定的銷售目標。

Product introduction series of bs undulate screen , which surface are made of more line - up and row peach shape screen pieces , its rotor is circumrotate by same direction and equal speed , the screen surface intervene turning make of levity screen hole , drive materiel above screen go forward with undulate form , thereby reach to separate effectively 產品介紹bs系列波動篩分機是由轉子上多排多元并列的特制桃形篩片組成篩面,轉子以同向等速做周向旋轉,篩片交錯回轉構成多變的篩孔,使篩上物料以波動形式向前運動,從而達到高效篩分之目的。

But , at the same time , there are many existing problems , which will do harm to the development of education including unilateralist reason , imbalance attribution ; radical without enough sense ; blindness heat , repetition and levity ; west adoration , regardless the situation of a country 但與此同時,教育批評仍然存在著一些誤區,如片面思考、歸因失衡;激憤有余、理性不足;盲目求熱、重復多變;崇慕西方、不顧國情。這些誤區會對教育發展產生消極的影響。

Facing the requirement of customer diversified , individuation need and the product quality , short delivery , it is very difficult for single enterprise to satisfy the customer need under the intense and quick levity circumstance because its resource is limited 面對顧客需求多樣化、個性化及對產品品質和交貨期越來越短的要求,由于企業的資源有限,單個企業很難在競爭激烈、快速多變的市場環境中靠自己的能力將產品快速的推向市場滿足客戶的需求。

Very orderly and methodical he looked , with a hand on each knee , and a loud watch ticking a sonorous sermon under his flapped waistcoat , as though it pitted its gravity and longevity against the levity and evanescence of the brisk fire 他看上去十分整飭,十分拘謹。兩手放在膝蓋上,有蓋的背心口袋里一只懷表大聲滴答著,響亮地講著道,仿佛要拿它的莊重與長壽跟歡樂的火焰的輕佻與易逝作對比。

The amount of human tragedy kissinger saw around him during his formative years accounts for his being a man given to occasional melancholy or perhaps weltschmerz , and for being a convinced pessimist beneath a certain playfulness and levity 基辛格早年目睹了周圍大量的人間悲劇,這使他時常顯得很憂郁,或許可以叫做多愁善感,使他成為徹底的悲觀主義者,雖然表面上愛開玩笑,有點放蕩不羈。

They that desire to excel in too many matters , out of levity and vain glory , are ever envious . for they cannot want work ; it being impossible , but many , in some one of those things , should surpass them 那些因其輕薄和自負而想在各方面都勝過他人者亦常嫉妒,因為他們絕不會缺少嫉妒的對象,在他們想爭勝的諸多方面之某一方面,不可能沒有許多人會勝過他們。

Humor , levity , and a certain lack of seriousness can be helpful in relating to others . at the end of the day , people at work are just that : people at work 在和人交往的過程中,幽默感,放松的心態會很有幫助。別太較真兒。說歸底,同事不過就是同事而已,你工作之余的生活才是更重要的。不要讓不重要的人影響了更重要的東西。 。 。

Human have enthusiasm , harmonize ability and creation , the humanism is complexity and levity . in material manage practice , the manager should respect the humanism and personality adequately 人是具有主動性、協調能力和創造性的,人性是復雜和多變的,在具體的管理實踐中,應充分地尊重人性、尊重個性。

The levity of some of the younger women in and about trantridge was marked , and was perhaps symptomatic of the choice spirit who ruled the slopes in that vicinity 在特蘭里奇及其附近,有一些年輕婦女的輕佻惹人注意,這種輕佻也許就是控制附近那塊坡地上人們精神的征兆。

Some problems due to the essential characteristic of speech , which include levity 、 dynamic 、 instantaneous 、 continuum and so on , cause difficulties in recognition practice 語音信號本身的特點(包括多變性、動態性、瞬時性和連續性等)造成了語音識別技術實現上的困難。

Even more request for universal mis are brought forward by exterior dynamic environment such as user requirement levity and development environment levity 用戶需求多變性和開發運行環境的多變性等外部動態環境對通用mis系統的自適應性提出更高的要求。

“ twisted matrix laboratories “ is the name a geographically diverse group of developers call themselves , with a certain levity “ twisted matrix laboratories ”是位于地球上各個角落的一組不同的開發人員對其自身的稱呼,會有一定的變化。

Don ' t squander resources on levity . don ' t use your laptop ' s battery power for graphics , music or watching dvds 不要把電池里的電浪費到無關緊要的事情上。別在只能靠電池供電的情況下在電腦上畫圖、聽音樂和看dvd 。

You and i are exceptions to the laws of nature ; you have risen by your gravity , and i have sunk by my levity 你和我都是自然法則的例外;你因沉著重厚而高升,而我則因輕佻浮薄而下沉。

You and i am exception to the laws of nature ; you have rise by your gravity , and i have sink by my levity 你和我都是自然法則的例外;你因沉著重厚而高升,而我則因輕佻浮薄而下沉。

This is no place for indecent levity at the expense of an erring mortal disguised in liquor 本庭并非可以肆意發表猥褻輕率的演說,不惜傷害一個酒后犯罪者的場所。