
levitical adj.利未人的,利未族的。


And all israel and their elders and their officers and their judges stood on either side of the ark in front of the levitical priests who carried the ark of the covenant of jehovah , both sojourner and native alike : half of them in front of mount gerizim and half of them in front of mount ebal , as moses the servant of jehovah had first commanded , to bless the people of israel 33以色列眾人,無論是寄居的、是本地人,和長老、官長、并審判官,都站在約柜兩旁,在抬耶和華約柜的祭司利未人面前,一半對著基利心山,一半對著以巴路山,為以色列民祝福,正如耶和華仆人摩西先前所吩咐的。

If indeed then perfection were through the levitical priesthood ( for under it the people have received the law ) , what need was there still that a different priest should arise according to the order of melchisedec and that he should not be said to be according to the order of aaron 11這樣,藉著利未人的祭司職分,若真能使人得完全, (百姓原是根據這職分領受了律法, )又何需另外興起一位祭司,照著麥基洗德的等次,不照著亞倫的等次來稱謂?

Now if perfection was through the levitical priesthood ( for on the basis of it the people received the law ) , what further need was there for another priest to arise according to the order of melchizedek , and not be designated according to the order of aaron 來7 : 11從前百姓在利未人祭司職任以下受律法、倘若藉這職任能得完全、又何用另外興起一位祭司、照麥基洗德的等次、不照亞倫的等次呢。

If therefore perfection were by the levitical priesthood , ( for under it the people received the law , ) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of melchisedec , and not be called after the order of aaron 11從前百姓在利未人祭司職任以下受律法,倘若藉這職任能得完全,又何用另外興起一位祭司,照麥基洗德的等次,不照亞倫的等次呢。

“ be careful against an infection of leprosy , that you diligently observe and do according to all that the levitical priests teach you ; as i have commanded them , so you shall be careful to do 申24 : 8在大?瘋的災病上、你們要謹慎、照祭司利未人一切所指教你們的、留意遵行、我怎樣吩咐他們、你們要怎樣遵行。

You shall give to the levitical priests who are from the offspring of zadok , who draw near to me to minister to me , ' declares the lord god , ' a young bull for a sin offering 結43 : 19主耶和華說、你要將一只公牛犢作為贖罪祭、給祭司利未人撒督的后裔、就是那親近我事奉我的。

You shall give the levitical priests who are of the seed of zadok , who draw near to me to minister to me , declares the lord jehovah , a bull of the herd for a sin offering 19主耶和華說,你要將一只公牛犢作為贖罪祭,給祭司利未人,撒督的后裔,就是那親近我、事奉我的。

Be careful in a case of leprosy to carefully keep and do all that the levitical priests instruct you ; as i commanded them , so shall you be certain to do 8在?瘋的災病上,你們要謹慎,照祭司利未人一切所指教你們的,盡力謹守遵行;我怎樣吩咐他們,你們就怎樣謹守遵行。

Nasb : “ now it shall come about when he sits on the throne of his kingdom , he shall write for himself a copy of this law on a scroll in the presence of the levitical priests 呂震中本:將來他登了國位,就要從祭司利未人面前的原本、為自己用一卷錄寫這律法的抄本。

The levitical priests , the whole tribe of levi , shall have no portion nor inheritance with israel ; they shall eat jehovah ' s offerings by fire and his inheritance 1祭司利未人,利未全支派,必在以色列中無分無業;他們要吃用獻給耶和華的火祭和?的產業。

Then the levitical priests rose up and blessed the people ; and their voice was heard and their prayer went up to his sanctuary , to heaven 27那時,祭司利未人起來,為民祝福;他們的聲音蒙神垂聽,他們的禱告達到天上?的圣所。

Gwt : when he becomes king , he should have the levitical priests make him a copy of these teachings on a scroll 新譯本: “他登上了國位的時候,就要把利未支派的祭司面前的律法書,為自己抄錄一份副本。

The levites always have the right to redeem their houses in the levitical towns , which they possess 32然而利未人所得為業的城邑,其中的房屋,利未人可以隨時贖回。