
levite n.1.【圣經】利未人,利未人的子孫。2.〔俚語〕猶太人...


And you shall rejoice before jehovah your god , you and your sons and daughters , and your male servants and female servants , and the levite who is within your gates , for he has no portion nor inheritance with you 12你們和兒子、女兒、仆人、婢女,還有你們城里的利未人,都要在耶和華你們的神面前歡樂,因為利未人在你們那里無分無業。

And you will have joy in every good thing which the lord your god has given to you and to your family ; and the levite , and the man from a strange land who is with you , will take part in your joy 每逢三年、就是十分取一之年、你取完了一切土產的十分之一、要分給利未人、和寄居的、與孤兒寡婦、使他們在你城中可以吃得飽足。

Micah then said to him , “ dwell with me and be a father and a priest to me , and i will give you ten pieces of silver a year , a suit of clothes , and your maintenance . “ so the levite went in 士17 : 10米迦說、你可以住在我這里、我以你為父為祭司我每年給你十舍客勒銀子、一套衣服、和度日的食物利未人就進了他的家。

Now it came about in those days , when there was no king in israel , that there was a certain levite staying in the remote part of the hill country of ephraim , who took a concubine for himself from bethlehem in judah 士19 : 1當以色列中沒有王的時候、有住以法蓮山地那邊的一個利未人、娶了一個猶大伯利恒的女子為妾。

Then say to the lord your god : “ i have removed from my house the sacred portion and have given it to the levite , the alien , the fatherless and the widow , according to all you commanded 13你又要在耶和華你神面前說,我已將圣物從我家里拿出來,給了利未人和寄居的,與孤兒寡婦,是照你所吩咐我的一切命令。

Then the spirit of the lord came upon jahaziel son of zechariah , the son of benaiah , the son of jeiel , the son of mattaniah , a levite and descendant of asaph , as he stood in the assembly 14那時,耶和華的靈在會中臨到利未人亞薩的后裔瑪探雅的玄孫,耶利的曾孫,比拿雅的孫子,撒迦利雅的兒子雅哈悉。

And thou shalt rejoice in thy feast , thou , and thy son , and thy daughter , and thy manservant , and thy maidservant , and the levite , the stranger , and the fatherless , and the widow , that are within thy gates 14守節的時候,你和你兒女,仆婢,并住在你城里的利未人,以及寄居的與孤兒寡婦,都要歡樂。

[ niv ] then they faithfully brought in the contributions , tithes and dedicated gifts . conaniah , a levite , was in charge of these things , and his brother shimei was next in rank 12 [和合]他們誠心將供物和十分取一之物,并分別為圣之物,都搬入倉內。利未人14歌楠雅掌15管這事,他兄弟16示每為副管。

Then they faithfully brought in the contributions , tithes and dedicated gifts . conaniah , a levite , was in charge of these things , and his brother shimei was next in rank 12 [和合]他們誠心將供物和十分取一之物,并分別為圣之物,都搬入倉內。利未人14歌楠雅掌15管這事,他兄弟16示每為副管。

Kore son of imnah the levite , keeper of the east gate , was in charge of the freewill offerings given to god , distributing the contributions made to the lord and also the consecrated gifts 14 [和合]守東門的利未人音拿的兒子可利,掌管樂意獻與神的禮物,發放獻與耶和華的供物和至圣的物。

[ kjv ] and brought in the offerings and the tithes and the dedicated things faithfully : over which cononiah the levite was ruler , and shimei his brother was the next 他們很忠心地把供物、各物品的十分之一和分別為圣之物,都搬進倉里去。利未人歌楠雅總管這些物品,他的兄弟示每作副總管。

And it came to pass in those days , when there was no king in israel , that there was a certain levite sojourning on the side of mount ephraim , who took to him a concubine out of bethlehemjudah 當以色列中沒有王的時候,有住以法蓮山地那邊的一個利未人,娶了一個猶大伯利恒的女子為妾。

And kore , the son of imnah the levite , the keeper of the east door , had control of the offerings freely given to god , and the distribution of the offerings of the lord and the most holy things 守東門的利未人音拿的兒子可利,掌管樂意獻與神的禮物,發放獻與耶和華的供物和至圣的物。

And in them they put all the offerings and the tenths and the holy things , keeping nothing back , and over them was conaniah the levite , with shimei his brother second to him 他們誠心將供物和十分取一之物、并分別為圣之物、都搬入倉內利未人歌楠雅掌管這事他兄弟示每為副管。

Then they faithfully brought in the contributions , tithes and dedicated gifts . conaniah , a levite , was in charge of these things , and his brother shimei was next in rank 12他們誠心將供物和十分取一之物,并分別為圣之物,都搬入倉內。利未人歌楠雅掌管這事,他兄弟示每為副管。

And brought in the offerings and the tithes and the dedicated things faithfully : over which cononiah the levite was ruler , and shimei his brother was the next 代下31 : 12他們誠心將供物和十分取一之物、并分別為圣之物、都搬入倉內利未人歌楠雅掌管這事他兄弟示每為副管。

And brought in the offerings and the tithes and the dedicated things faithfully : over which cononiah the levite was ruler , and shimei his brother was the next 12他們誠心將供物和十分取一之物,并分別為圣之物,都搬入倉內。利未人歌楠雅掌管這事,他兄弟示每為副管。

And kore the son of imnah the levite , the porter toward the east , was over the freewill offerings of god , to distribute the oblations of the lord , and the most holy things 14守東門的利未人音拿的兒子可利,掌管樂意獻與神的禮物,發放獻與耶和華的供物和至圣的物。

And kore the son of imnah the levite , the porter toward the east , was over the freewill offerings of god , to distribute the oblations of the lord , and the most holy things 看守東門的利未人音拿的兒子可利,掌管自愿獻給神的禮物,分發獻與耶和華的供物和至圣之物。