
levin n.〔古語〕電光。


The theoretical works on this problem were pioneered by skellam , and levin prompted it . however , it ' s seemed that the research result of diffusion model in an almost periodic environment is rare to appear 將這種空間擴散效應納入生態系統的研究,始于skellam的工作,之后levin推動了生態系統的這方面定性性質研究的發展。

On dec . 1 , the courts began an experimental program allowing cameras in courtrooms with judges ' approval , but bell refused to go along in the trial of robert chambers for the murder of jennifer levin , 18 12月1日各法院開始試驗在法官認可下,準許在法庭內使用攝影機。可是在錢伯斯因謀殺18歲的萊文而受審時,貝爾拒不同意。

When levin and turner proclaimed their deal , it was earth meets mars . but last week the two dealmakers actually seemed to speaking the same language and perceive the same future 李文與特納宣布他們的合并計劃時,大家都說那是地球會火星,但上星期,協商這項交易的兩位大老板似乎氣味相投,看到同樣的前景。

Levin , d . z . , cross , r . . the strength of weak ties you can trust : the mediating role of trust in effective knowledge transfer . management science , 2004 , 50 ( 11 ) : 1477 - 1490 該圖中的四個象限分別代表了人際信任促進知識轉移的四種不同作用類型.針對每個象限,我們分別列出了研究該象限作用類型的具有代表性的文獻以供參考

Led by president richard levin , the yale 100 delegation visited peking university on may 18th . the delegation discussed with pku faculty and students on some hot issues of the world 5月18日,美國耶魯大學百人代表團將在萊溫校長的率領下訪問北京大學,并就一些世界熱點話題與北大師生展開討論。

While acknowledging china ' s progress in strengthening its top universities , levin said the key ingredients for a world - class university are top students and top faculty 萊文對中國在加強一流大學建設方面取得的成就表示認可,同時表示擁有一流的學生和教師隊伍,是成為世界級大學的關鍵。

While acknowledging china ' s progress in strengthening its top universities , levin said the key ingredients for a world - class university are top students and top faculty 對中國優秀高校所取得的進步,賴文給予了肯定,并表示出色的學生和一流的教師團隊,是成為世界級大學最主要的內容。

While acknowledging china ' s progress in strengthening its top universities , levin said the key ingredients for a world - class university are top students and top faculty 在承認中國在加強建設一流大學取得的進步的同時,萊文說成為世界一流大學的關鍵要素在于一流的學生和一流的教師。

While acknowledging china ' s progress in strengthening its top universities , levin said the key ingredients for a world - class university are top students and top faculty 萊文對中國在加強一流大學建設方面取得的成就表示認可,同時表示一流的學生和教職工隊伍是成為世界級大學的關鍵。

Following a visit to iraq this week , senator levin said the maliki government cannot achieve a political settlement because it is too bound by its own sectarian prejudices 本周訪問伊拉克后,李文議議員說m政府是不可能獲得政治地位的,因為該政府本身就被自己的黨派偏見限制住。

Let me begin by thanking you , mr . levin , for your kind invitation and the opportunity to come to yale to meet young friends and teachers of this world - renowned university 首先,我感謝萊文校長的邀請,使我有機會來到世界著名學府耶魯大學,同青年朋友和老師們相聚在一起。

Following a visit to iraq this week , senator levin said the maliki government can not achieve a political settlement because it is too bound by its own sectarian prejudices 議員在結束為期一周的訪問后表示馬拉奇政府無法達成政治和解,因為其被自身的宗教偏見所束縛。

The flap over rap is not making life any easier for him . levin has consistently defended the company ' s rap music on the grounds of expression 人們對說唱音樂的焦慮并沒使他的日子變得好過。萊文一向以它是一種“富于表現力的演唱方式”這個理由來為公司的說唱音樂辯護。

“ everything we do on the site is proper and lawful , “ said levin , noting that the yard , … is under constant scrutiny . “ it ' s in a fishbowl , “ he said “我們在場地上做的一切都合情合法, “萊文說,并指出… …場地經常受到檢查。他說, “場地上一切都是一目了然。

“ everything we do on the site is proper and lawful , “ said levin , noting that the yard , … is under constant scrutiny . “ it ' s in a fishbowl , “ he said “我們在場地上做的一切都合情合法, “萊文說,并指出… …場地經常受到檢查。他說, “場地上一切都是一目了然。

But even if congress approved levin - reed , military logistics experts say it would take far longer than 120 days to redeploy even half of u . s . forces 但即使國會通過李威里德的議案,軍隊后勤專家們指出哪怕是一半美軍的調防也遠遠不止要120天的時間。

The president of yale university , richard levin , says chinese universities need faculty members who are at the frontier of research in their academic fields 耶魯大學校長理查德?萊文說中國的大學需要那些在各自的學術領域處于研究前沿的教職員工。

Mr . levin said , in addition to political steps , coalition forces must also speed the process of turning over security to newly trained iraqi forces 萊文參議員說,除了政治措施以外,聯軍還必須加快把安全防務工作移交給新培訓的伊拉克部隊的進程。

The president of yale university , richard levin , says chinese universities need faculty members who are at the frontier of research in their academic fields 耶魯大學校長理查德?萊文說中國的大學需要有身為自己所在的學術領域的開拓者的教師隊伍。