
leviathan n.1.〔L-〕(《圣經》中象征邪惡的)海中怪獸。2.大...


This article intends to justify the following argument : what of both fear and pride create a leviathan or state of war depends on people ' s deliberations on what a good life is and how it is possible . ( 1 ) the remarkable hobbesian warlike human predicament emerges from the natural depravity of fear for death and of pride or vainglory 摘要本文根據利維坦論說以下主張:自然狀態所展現的人間難題價值與意義層面上的無政府狀態,乃出于群居生活之固有事實,匯聚于相互恐懼及驕傲之言行,而成每個人對每個人的敵對狀態。

Having dropped ( back in 1990 ) a plan to build the world ' s biggest ice - breaker , the canadians may also have to seek russian help next time they need to carve out a path to the north pole : even the patrol boats ordered up by mr harper this month won ' t match russia ' s leviathans 由于( 1990年)撤銷了一項建造世界上最大的破冰船的計劃,下一次加拿大人需要開辟一條通向北極的道路時,可能也不得不尋求俄國人的幫助:即便是本月哈珀下令開赴前線的巡邏艇也比不上俄國人的龐然大物。

I wish to be a better man than i have been , than i am ; as job s leviathan broke the spear , the dart , and the habergeon , hindrances which others count as iron and brass , i will esteem but straw and rotten wood . adele here ran before him with her shuttlecock 我希望做個比以往,比現在更好的人就像約伯的海中怪獸那樣,折斷矛戟和標槍,刺破盔甲,掃除一切障礙,別人以為這些障礙堅如鋼鐵,而我卻視之為干草爛木。 ”

A report on european football for the european commission last year fretted that “ football should not be a contest between corporate leviathans with the outcome dictated by whoever has the deepest pockets ” 去年歐盟委員會的一項歐洲足球報告對現狀就頗感焦慮,指出“足球不應當成為巨無霸公司之間的競賽,比賽結果也應當避免受到腰包最鼓的富豪們的操縱。 ”

Now leviathan has come onto stage and replaced family as a new central power . with gigantic power in hand , it controls every aspects of men ' s life and brought disaster to the world 這個人類社會有史以來最兇猛的龐然大物擁有著巨大的權力,他控制著人類社會生活的各個方面,從而凌駕于人民的權利之上,并給世界帶來了深重的災難。

For handan ' s 8 . 5 million residents , and especially the tens of thousands who live in the plant ' s immediate shadow , the complex is a noisome , noxious , money - spinning , job - creating leviathan 對于邯鄲850萬居民,尤其是居住在邯鋼附近的數以萬計的居民來說,這個龐大的鋼鐵企業就是一個嘈雜而賺錢,有毒但能提供就業機會的巨大怪獸。

In that day the lord will punish leviathan the fleeing serpent , with his fierce and great and mighty sword , even leviathan the twisted serpent ; and he will kill the dragon who lives in the sea 賽27 : 1到那日、耶和華必用他剛硬有力的大刀、刑罰鱷魚、就是那快行的蛇、刑罰鱷魚就是那曲行的蛇并殺海中的大魚。

In that day the lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent , even leviathan that crooked serpent ; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea 賽27 : 1到那日、耶和華必用他剛硬有力的大刀、刑罰鱷魚、就是那快行的蛇、刑罰鱷魚就是那曲行的蛇并殺海中的大魚。

Shapin , steven , and simon shaffer . leviathan and the air pump : boyle , hobbes , and the experimental life . princeton : princeton university press , 1985 . isbn : 0691024324 史蒂文斯和西蒙?謝弗。 《巨型遠洋輪和空氣泵:波義耳,霍布斯和實驗年限》 。普林斯頓:普林斯頓大學出版社, 1985 。 isbn : 0691024324 。

In that day , the lord will punish with his sword , his fierce , great and powerful sword , leviathan the gliding serpent , leviathan the coiling serpent ; he will slay the monster of the sea 1到那日、耶和華必用他剛硬有力的大刀、刑罰鱷魚、就是那快行的蛇、刑罰鱷魚就是那曲行的蛇并殺海中的大魚。

In its own way , united commercial is an example of the quirks in america ' s own banking system , which has a few leviathans along with thousands of smaller fry 聯合商業銀行本身就是與眾不中的美國銀行系統的一個代表,該系統是由一些巨無霸加上數以千計的小不點的格局存在。

But without further changes to the labour laws , the bosses of these former state - owned leviathans are fighting with one hand tied behind their backs 然而,不進一步修訂勞動法,老總們在這些前身為國有巨型企業的公司里就只能背縛單臂地辛勞抗爭了。

Leviathan swings his mighty anchor with a vengeance . gives a 20 % chance to deal bonus damage to nearby enemies 潮汐獵人以復仇心揮動他巨大的船錨,有20 %的幾率對周圍200范圍內的敵方單位造成額外的傷害。

It was a great blow to the republic when the leviathan ' s commander , admiral saul karath , defected to the growing sith forces 當巨獸號的司令,索爾卡拉斯元帥投向增長的西斯力量時,共和國大感震驚。

“ but the sides of it kept going up and up and up , three and four stories tall . it s a leviathan down there , a monster . 但是,它的側面一直升高再升高,有三四層樓那么高,像一個龐然怪獸。 ”

Four thousand years ago , the vanguard of interdicting technology was encased in a massive republic warship , the leviathan 四千年前,前沿的阻斷技術被裝在巨大的共和國戰艦巨獸號上。

14 thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces , and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness 14你曾砸碎鱷魚的頭,把?給曠野的禽獸(禽獸:原文是民)為食物。

The leviathan may be mightier than ever , but there are more and more captain ahabs trying to get their harpoons in 利維坦也許正權傾一時,但越來越多的阿哈船長[ 4 ]向它擲去了魚叉。

Not even the unnamed leviathans that lurk in the ocean ' s depths are beyond the tuskarr ' s reach 當然,也有一些深海巨獸的,潛伏處所超出了海象人的捕獵范圍。