
leverage n.1.杠桿作用。2.杠桿裝置;杠桿機構。3.臂比,杠桿...


With the right leverage and a proper application of strength . . 只要有個家伙,再使上點力氣的話

Leveraging on the most appropriate technologies 運用最合適的科技

Leveraging on cepa opportunities to tap into prd logistics market 抓住cepa機遇進軍珠三角物流業

Leveraged computing power from every node in the network 來自網絡中各個節點的計算能力的均衡。

The highest - leverage approach is prevention 最高效的方法是預防。

Leveraged foreign exchange trading rules 杠桿式外匯買賣造訪規則

With the right leverage and a proper application of strength 只要有個家伙,再使上點力氣的話

Guideline on leveraged foreign exchange trading 杠桿式外匯買賣指引

For two - person assistance , both must apply leverage at the same time 雙人輔助時,要同時發力

It provides leverage to enhance productivity 善用資訊科技提高生產力

One of the greatest forms of financial leverage is contacts 最有力之一的財務?桿就是人脈。

Operating leverage principle and its perfection 對經營杠桿分析的完善

Controlling stake , financial leverage and corporate value 國有及民營上市公司治理的比較研究

He has some leverage over the politician 他對這位政界人士有些影響。

Leveraged foreign exchange trading financial resources rules 杠桿式外匯買賣財政資源規則

Are corporates target leverage ratios time - dependent 企業的目標杠桿比率是否具有時間因素

Leverage mechanism for preventing labor in vain 使用杠桿式夾具操作,可以達到省力的作用。

Leveraged foreign exchange introducing agent 杠桿式外匯買賣介紹代理人

Jack : let ' s just say it ' s a matter of leverage , aye 這么說吧,和天平的原理差不多,是么