
leveller 短語和例子level(l)ern.1.把事物弄平[使事物...


Shkp follows international trends and is always looking for new ways to achieve the highest quality . it was the pioneer developer to employ new technologies such as infrared detector to check external walls , high - pressure water jets to test windows and laser levellers to inspect floors 新地經常到海外考察,參考國際一級企業所厘訂的基準,又不斷引進新技術提高質素和效率,例如新地率先應用以紅外線科技測試外墻用高壓水槍全面測試鋁窗以鐳射平水儀檢查地臺等。

However , the price of oil , which last week soared to $ 60 per barrel , is also emerging as the great leveller among international business rivals as they face the same struggle to protect profit margins 然而,上周竄升至每桶60美元的石油價格,正在成為國際企業競爭對手之間的龐大“平整器” ,因為它們都面臨著保護利潤率這一艱巨任務。

The manchester city man impressed all evening , but the same cannot be said of a short of confidence paul robinson , who was badly at fault for kevin kuranyi ' s leveller midway through the half 這位曼徹斯特城的球員整個晚上都很耀眼,而不能說有一點自信的保羅.羅賓遜也是這樣,他的低級失誤讓凱文.庫蘭伊在上半場的中段就扳平了比分

Mr blunkett has a list of english rebels that a labour government might be proud of ( though perhaps not vice versa ) : the levellers , the chartists , george orwell , even monty python 布倫基特有一個工黨政府也許會引以為自豪(雖然也許不是反之亦然)的英國叛逆者的名單:平等主義者、憲章派、喬治?奧韋爾、甚至巨蟒小組。

Didier drogba followed up lampard ' s leveller with a stunning late winner which , coupled with united ' s shock defeat at west ham , closed the gap at the top of the barclays premiership to just two points 德羅巴在蘭帕德扳平比分后打進一腳世界波,由于曼聯爆冷負于西漢姆,這場勝利將他們的積分差距縮小到2分。

United pressed for a leveller in the final 10 minutes , but couldn ' t forge any clear - cut chances and remain second in the table as a result 在比賽的最后10分鐘,為了能扳平比分,曼聯發動了猛烈的攻勢,但只開花不結果。此役結束后,曼聯預備隊在預備隊聯賽積分榜上仍列第二位。

Recently , several ten sets of crane , leveller , extrusion press , excavator about 3000t mechanical equipments have been exported to the world - wide more than 20 countries 近年來,已經有數十臺起重機、矯正機、擠壓機、挖掘機,約3000多噸機械設備出口到世界20多個國家。

Charlton came back at chelsea after the interval as alan pardew put pressure on the visitors , although the addicks were unable to muster a leveller 中場休息以后帕杜的球隊開始給客場作戰的切爾西施壓,但是但是他的隊伍始終沒有追平比分。

Death is the great leveller 死亡使人人平等。

Death is the grand leveller 死亡面前,不分貴賤。

Death is the grand leveller 凡人都要死,大家都一樣。

Basic parameter of roll sheet leveller 輥式板材矯正機.基本參數