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level pressure 扯平壓力。


When the autumn kuroshio ssta is positive , the sea - land sea level pressure differences in the east asian region become large in winter , the east asian trough at 500hpa shifts eastward and is deep in its south and shallow in the northern , along with strong north winds in the above area and weak westerly circulation in the asian region 當秋季黑潮區域海溫異常偏高,東亞地區的海陸氣壓差異進一步加大,東亞大槽北部減弱、南部加深、位置東移,東亞地區的偏北風加強,亞洲地區西風環流減弱,即東亞冬季風加強;反之亦然。

Information on the nearest approach together with an estimate of the minimum central pressure of each tropical cyclone during its closest approach , the maximum winds at king s park and waglan island , the minimum mean sea - level pressure recorded at the hong kong observatory and the maximum storm surge the excess , in metres , of the actual water level over that predicted in the tide tables recorded at various tide stations in hong kong are included 資料包括熱帶氣旋最接近香港時的位置及時間和當時估計熱帶氣旋中心附近的最低氣壓京士柏及橫瀾島錄得的最高風速香港天文臺錄得的最低平均海平面氣壓以及香港各潮汐測量站錄得的最大風暴潮即實際水位高出潮汐表中預計的部分,單位為米。

In addition , the ao index released by american climate prediction center ( cpc aoi ) fails to reflect the summer ao mode . in this paper , the time series of the leading principal component of the summertime ( june - september ) surface level pressure anomaly field over the domain poleward of 20 n is defined as the summertime ao index 此外,美國氣候預測中心發布的全年北極濤動月指數不能表現夏季北極濤動型,本文將北半球熱帶外地區( 20 n以北)夏季( 6 - 9月)海平面氣壓場eof主模態的時間序列定義為夏季北極濤動指數。

Information on the nearest approach together with an estimate of the minimum central pressure of each tropical cyclone during its closest approach , the maximum winds at king s park and chek lap kok and waglan island , the minimum mean sea - level pressure recorded at the hong kong observatory and the maximum storm surge ( the excess of the actual water level over that predicted in the tide tables ) recorded at various tide stations in hong kong are included 資料包括熱帶氣旋最接近香港時的位置及時間和當時估計熱帶氣旋中心附近的最低氣壓、京士柏及赤?角及橫瀾島錄得的最高風速、香港天文臺錄得的最低平均海平面氣壓以及香港各潮汐測量站錄得的最大風暴潮(即實際水位高出潮汐表中預計的部分) 。

Some new features of the climate change in china in recent 50 years is shown by investigating the characteristics of the change of temperature , precipitation , relative humidity , wind speed and sea level pressure based on the 740 stations daily data in china , which is the most complete station data set in china processed by national meteorological center recently 利用國家氣象中心最近整編的中國740站逐日資料,通過對中國溫度,降水,相對濕度,地面風速,海平面氣壓這5個氣象基本要素變化特征較為全面的分析,揭示了近50年中國氣候變化的一些新特征。

The information is generated by the observatory s high - speed computer using physical models and mathematical equations to simulate the evolution of weather systems . the computer simulations are presented as maps showing the surface temperature , surface wind speed and wind direction , mean sea level pressure and the state of the sky at various locations 這些預測資料是利用天文臺高速電腦根據物理定律及數學方法計算出來的,以天氣圖顯示,內容包括地面溫度、地面風向及風速、平均海平面氣壓及天氣的大致情況。

Based on summer precipitation in north china and the northern hemisphere sea level pressure ( slp ) and the pacific sea surface temperature anomaly ( ssta ) from 1900 to 2001 and ncep data from 1950 to 1999 , this paper studies inter - decadal variations of summer precipitation in north china and linkage of it and general circulation of atmosphere ( gca ) and enso cycle using eof and wavelet transform and composite analysis and correlation analysis and so on 本文采用1900 2001年華北夏季降水量、北半球海平面氣壓( slp ) 、太平洋海表溫度距平( ssta ) 、 1950 1999年ncep資料等,利用eof 、小波變換、合成分析、相關分析等方法,研究了華北夏季降水的年代際變化及其與東亞大氣環流、 enso循環的聯系。

Apart from the original set of surface charts on temperatures , wind direction and wind speed , mean sea level pressure and weather conditions , the contents of the new computer upper - air forecast charts include spatial distributions of key weather elements at four different layers within the troposphere , as well as an explanatory note to facilitate understanding and application by the general public 內容方面,除原有的地面溫度、地面風向及風速、平均海平面氣壓及天氣情況外,新增的電腦預測圖提供在大氣對流層內四個不同高度的層面的主要氣象資訊,以及一些相關的解釋,方便市民理解及使用。

( 3 ) whether in summer or in winter in the district where topography is changed , compared to the modern simulation the simulated base climatology changes such as surface temperature , sea level pressure precipitation and so on which denotes the difference in land - ocean distribution can have effect on the climatology 試驗模擬的氣候基本態(如表面氣溫、海平面氣壓、降水、高低空流場)與現代模擬相比發生一定的變化,表明海陸差異對氣候造成了一定的影響。

The information presented includes the distances and bearings of nearest approach , the minimum mean sea - level pressures recorded at the hong kong observatory and the maximum 60 - minute mean winds and maximum gust peak speeds recorded at some stations in hong kong 內容包括熱帶氣旋吹襲香港時的最近距離及方位、天文臺錄得的最低海平面氣壓、香港各站錄得的最高60分鐘平均風速和最高陣風。

The information presented includes the distances and bearings of nearest approach , the minimum mean sea - level pressures recorded at the hong kong observatory and the maximum 60 - minute mean winds and maximum gust peak speeds recorded at some stations in hong kong 內容包括熱帶氣旋吹襲香港時的最近距離及方位天文臺錄得的最低海平面氣壓香港各站錄得的最高60分鐘平均風速和最高陣風。

According to analyse the safe performance of double - barrelled middle - level pressure acetylene generator in the extrusion type to the dipeptide , and carry on the improvement of structure , the object of the safe usage was attained 摘要對雙擠壓式中壓乙炔發生器的安全性能做了分析,并進行結構改進,解決了使用中的安全隱患,達到安全使用的目的。

Modern passenger flights fly at high altitudes and despite the fact that they are pressurized , it is not possible to maintain sea level pressure during the flight due to the resulting high differential pressure 飛行途中機艙氣壓對生理之影響現今所有客機雖已于客艙內調壓,但仍與海平面氣壓sea level pressure相隔一段距離。

Arrows represent wind flow directions at an altitude of about 750 m , white contour lines show the sea - level pressure and 3 - dimensional blue colored objects depicts a constant value surface of wind speed 圖中箭咀表示在離地面750米高的風向,白色等值線代表海平面氣壓,而立體藍色部份表示風速的等值面。

During the passage of vicente , the lowest hourly sea - level pressure of 1010 . 4 hpa was recorded at the hong kong observatory headquarters at 3 p . m . and 4 p . m . on 17 september 在熱帶氣旋警告信號生效期間,香港天文臺總部于九月十七日下午3時及4時錄得最低每小時海平面氣壓1010 . 4百帕斯卡。

A tropical cyclone is one of the most destructive forces of nature . it is a huge rotating column of warm and moist air with a very low sea - level pressure near the centre 熱帶氣旋是大自然中最具破壞性的力量之一,它是一股巨大而急速旋轉的溫暖及潮濕氣團,其中心之海平面氣壓極低。

The most intense tropical cyclone in 2002 was fengseng ( 0209 ) . fengseng had a maximum wind speed of about 205 kmh and a minimum sea - level pressure about 925 hpa 二零零二年風力最強的熱帶氣旋是風神( 0209 ) ,最高風速估計約為每小時205公里,而最低中心氣壓則約為925百帕斯卡。

The lowest instantaneous mean sea - level pressures recorded at hong kong observatory headquarters , waglan island and ta kwu ling were 1 000 . 5 hpa , 995 . 7 hpa and 1 001 . 0 hpa respectively 在香港天文臺總部、橫瀾島和打鼓嶺錄得的最低瞬時海平面氣壓分別為1000 . 5百帕斯卡、 995

The most intense tropical cyclone in 2004 was chaba ( 0416 ) . chaba had a maximum wind speed of about 220 kmh and a minimum sea - level pressure about 910 hpa 二零零四年風力最強的熱帶氣旋是暹芭( 0416 ) ,最高風速估計約為每小時220公里,而最低中心氣壓則約為910百帕斯卡。