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level gauge 水平儀;水位計。

level headed

The products of our company sell well on the markets both at home and abroad . the marine oil level gauges were awarded nantong golden eagle prize for new fine product , jiangsu provincial golden prize for adopted advanced science and technology , and silver prize at china patent technology fair . marine products have wined “ gl “ , “ lr “ , “ abs “ , “ bv “ , “ ccs “ , “ dnv “ , “ rina “ certificates . the products are installed on domestic vessels of large and middle size , and also exported with the vessels 本公司產品暢銷國內外市場,船用油位計榮獲南通市優秀新產品金鷹獎江蘇省新產品金獎中國專利技術博覽會銀獎。船用產品獲得“ gl ” “ lr ” “ abs ” “ bv ” “ ccs ” “ dnv ” “ rina ”等各船級社的認可,用于全國各大中型船舶并隨船出口。

Main products - marine pipe fittings : marine plate glass oil level gauges , marine double colored leveplate glass oil level gauges , magnetic oil gauge , marine cast steel with flanges , quick closing valves , bronze valve series , sea water filters , oil filters sump tanks , control boxes for quick closing valves , oil flushing sysstem . deck machinery . 200kg motor driven cranes , etc . hand tools : slip joint pliers . we also handle the design and manufacturing of all knds of non - standard machinery and equipment and valves 主要產品船舶管系附件:船用平板玻璃液位計船用雙色平板玻璃液位計磁性液位計船用法蘭鑄鋼閥快關閥青銅閥系列速關閥控制箱海水濾器油濾器泥箱串油系統甲板機械: 200kg電動吊車等五金工具:鯉魚鉗等鉗類。

Most present acoustic level gauges use a sound generator which can produce high - power acoustic waves and a microphone which can detect the echo signal . the fluid level can be worked out based on the artificial analysis of the echo curve 目前正在應用的井下液位測量儀器,主要是通過爆炸聲源產生大功率聲脈沖信號,利用微音器接收回波信號,人為地對回波信號曲線進行分析來估算液位。

The application shows that the remote communication and measurement can realize by linking the optical fiber level gauge to computers , which can effectively control the oil spill , damage and fire for the oil tank farm 通過分析造成罐區光導液位計儀表失靈的主要原因,指出了其存在的問題及解決方法。

Manufacturer of liquid level control products including temperature sensors , float switches , level sensors , and tank level gauges -從事球磨機,真空手套箱,磁強計,球磨機,顯微操作系統,物理實驗儀器,生化分析儀器的研制生產。

We are looking for mechanical level gauge ( rochester type ) for our lpg dispensing system . pls contact us 我們求購汽車石油分配系統適用的汽車儀表,請與我們聯系。

Manufacture and refurbish liquid level gauges , breather , changeover and safety valves in the uk -大口徑閥門生產企業。包括簡介產品聯系。

Float level gauge 浮子室液面儀

Fluid level gauge 液體水平位儀表

Automatic level gauge 自動液面計

Glass pipe level gauges 玻璃管液位計

Bayonet oil level gauge 插入式油面計

Glass plate level gauges 玻璃板液位計

Fuel level gauges for automobiles 汽車油量表

Gaskets packings valves level gauges 件閥門水鏡

Liquid - level gauges and indicators for anhydrous ammonia and lp - gas 無水液氨和液化石油氣用液位量規及指示器

Shipbuilding - tube glass type level gauges with self closing valves 造船.帶自鎖閥門的管道玻璃類型液位表

Marine auxiliary boiler water level gauge 船用輔鍋爐水位表

Shipbuilding - flat glass oil level gauges 造船.平面玻璃油位表