
level n.1.水平儀,水準儀;水準測量。2.水平線,水平面;水...

level compensator

Water seeks its own level . 水總是找到自己的水平面。

Inhomogeneity has many levels . 非均質性有很多等級。

Is it not a pity that she was not on my level ? 她和我的地位不一樣,這難道不可惜嗎?

They levelled 5,000 mu of land . 他們平整土地五千畝。

The tree top is level with the roof . 樹梢和屋頂齊平。

Each of the states splits up into pairs of levels . 每一種能態都將裂變成兩種能極。

To check this, we turn down the threshold level . 為了檢驗這一點,我們把閥值調低。

They could move up to a new level of efficiency . 它們可以提高效率到一個新的水平。

The missile went level to its mark . 火箭準確打中目標。

The highest level ever recorded in washington was fifty . 華盛頓最高的指標是50。

Serum bilirubin levels are elevated . 血清膽紅素是高的。

Human tests showed reduced blood sugar levels . 在人體上的試驗顯示血糖濃度下降。

The peasants have levelled three hundred acres of land . 農民們平了三百英畝地。

The spacing of translational energy levels is very small . 平動的能級間隔極少。

The rising level of crime is a sign of the times . 犯罪率增高是這一時代的特征。

These atoms have the simplest energy level schemes . 這些原子的能級圖最為簡單。

The adi method requires two advanced time levels . ADI法需要兩個超前的時間段。

The missile went level to its mark . 火箭準確地打中目標了。

Bubbes form afresh at each level . 氣泡在每一層上重新形成。