
levee 短語和例子levee1n.1.(國王等起床后的)接見。2...


The depositional sequences of meandering river are typical of the development of point bars , crevasse - splays , natural levees and flood plains 曲流河沈積以發育點砂? 、決口扇、天然堤和泛濫平原等微相單元?特徵。

The time to have considered ? and improved ? the reliability of new orleans ' levees was before katrina 考慮而且提高安全撤離新奧爾良的可能性的最佳時機應該是在卡特里娜颶風來臨之前。

The tech has been utilized widely in levee strengthening of the changjiang river and a good result has been gotten 在長江堤防治理中得到了廣泛應用,并取得了很好的效果。

The state fears at least 20 levees have been compromised in low - lying communities along the missouri river 在沿著密蘇里河的低洼地區,該州擔心至少有20處防堤被洪水淹沒。

Engineers then typically dig out shallow trenches or pits along the path to obtain earth for the levee 工程師通常會沿預定路線挖出淺淺的壕溝或土坑,取得海堤用的泥土。

I was just chatting this afternoon at the viceregal lodge to my old pals , sir robert and lady ball , astronomer royal , at the levee 一位美國富翁為布盧姆在街頭募款。

Application of soil material of percent moisture content in seepage control walls of flush - grab sleeve wells in levee body 高含水率土料在堤身沖抓套井防滲墻中的應用

There were more evacuations in missouri where levees have been topped by rising flood waters 在密蘇里州,因洪水泛濫許多防洪堤被水覆蓋了,越來越多的居民都搬遷了。

The state fears at least 20 levees have been compromised in low - lying communities along the missouri river 該州市民擔心密蘇里河低勢一帶至少20個防洪堤已有危機。

There were more evacuations in missouri where levees have been topped by rising flood waters 在密蘇里州處防洪堤已經被洪水漫過,當地將會有更多的居民撤離該州。

Analyses on seepage control efficiencies of cut - off walls an d relief ditch in the levee engineering of niutun river 牛屯河堤防工程防滲墻及減壓溝滲控效果分析

The mechanism of levee body crack emerged owning to the seepage prevention wall built on levee top and treatment 堤頂建防滲墻產生堤身裂縫的機理及處理

There were more evacuations in missouri where levees have been topped by rising flood waters 在密蘇里州,上漲的洪水已經淹沒大堤,更多的居民被疏散。

Application of cement concrete mixing pile infiltration prevention technology to the yellow river ' s levees 水泥土攪拌樁防滲技術在黃河堤防中的應用

Application of temperature indication method in seepage monitoring of yan gtze river levee 溫度示蹤法滲流監測技術在長江堤防滲流監測中的應用初探

The calculation method may offer a reference for chinese levee code revision 所介紹的計算方法對于我國堤防工程等規范的修訂有一定的參考意義。

The technical research and practice of the construction of sea levee and platform on shoal oil fields 灘海油田海堤及平臺建設技術研究與實踐

Application of cut - off walls with cement mixing piles to reinforcement of yellow river levees 水泥土攪拌樁截滲墻在黃河堤防加固工程中的應用

Study and practice of the scheme of unclosed levee and overflow weir type levee in qiantang river 錢塘江開口式及滾水堰式堤防的研究與實踐