
levant n.1.地中海東部沿岸諸國和島嶼。 〔包括敘利亞、黎巴嫩...

levant morocco

Results among the selected dosages , the theoritical optimal proportion of levant storax oil and dalbergiae odoriferae oil , which were both in the shuangxiangyou soft capsules , was 1 : 5 : 1 . 0 ; the pharmacodynamics experiment indicated that the shuangxiangyou had the significant anti - myocardial ischemia effect compared with model control group 結果雙香油軟膠囊中蘇合香油、降香油兩者在所選擇劑量范圍內的理論最佳配比為1 . 5 : 1 . 0 ;抗心肌缺血藥效學試驗表明,雙香油有顯著的抗心肌缺血的作用,與模型對照組比較具有顯著的差異。

S obeyed , and commenced what he called his history , but which consisted only of the account of a voyage to india , and two or three voyages to the levant until he arrived at the recital of his last cruise , with the death of captain leclere , and the receipt of a packet to be delivered by himself to the grand marshal ; his interview with that personage , and his receiving , in place of the packet brought , a letter addressed to a monsieur noirtier - his arrival at marseilles , and interview with his father - his affection for merc 于是唐太斯開始講他自己的身世了,實際上只包含了一次到印度和幾次到勒旺的航行,接著就講到了他最后這次航行講到了萊克勒船長是如何死的如何從他那兒接過一包東西并交給了大元帥又如何謁見了那位大人物,交了那包東西,并轉交了一封致諾瓦蒂埃先生的信然后又如何到達了馬賽,見到了父親他還講了自己是如何與美塞苔絲相愛,如何舉行他們的婚宴如何被捕,受審和暫時押在法院的監牢里最后,又如何被關到伊夫堡來。

Methods the optimal proportion of levant storax oil and dalbergiae odoriferae oil , which were active ingredients of the traditional chinese medicine styrax and dalbergiae odoriferae , was bolted by using uniform - design method ; the myocardial ischemia model of rats was set up through the induction of isoprel and the above rats were divided into 5 groups , which were model control group , high dose group of shuangxiangyou , middle dose group of shuangxiangyou , low dose group of shuangxiangyou , and positive control group of muskone 方法傳統中藥蘇合香和降香的有效成分蘇合香油和降香油最佳配比采用均勻設計方法篩選;建立由異丙腎上腺素造成的心肌缺血大鼠模型,將實驗分為模型對照組、雙香油高、中、低3個劑量組及冠心蘇合丸陽性藥物對照組后進行藥效學實驗。

Article 9 physicians shall , after pre - marital medical examination , give medical advice to those who are in the infective period of any target infectious disease or who are in the morbid period of any re - levant mental disease ; both the male and female planning to be married shall postpone their marriage for the time being 第九條經婚前醫學檢查,對患指定傳染病在傳染期內或者有關精神病在發病期內的,醫師應當提出醫學意見;準備結婚的男女雙方應當暫緩結婚。

Article 21 physicians and midwives shall strictly observe re - levant operational procedures , improve the skills of midwifery and the quality of services so as to prevent or reduce maternal injuries 第二十一條醫師和助產人員應當嚴格遵守有關操作規程,提高助產技術和服務質量,預防和減少產傷。

This time it was a great matter that was under discussion , connected with a vessel laden with turkey carpets , stuffs of the levant , and cashmeres 這次他們談的是一筆大生意,即要在一艘船上裝載土耳其地毯,勒旺絨布和克什米爾毛織品。

America and israel want to end this war in a way that transforms the balance of power in the levant 美國和以色列想通過改變中東地區的均勢來結束戰爭。

Must be without a flaw , he said . coming all that way : spain , gibraltar , mediterranean , the levant 30是從西班牙直布羅陀地中海和黎凡特31運來的。

S , he had passed it on his voyage to and from the levant , but never touched at it 唐太斯在去勒旺的航行中雖多次經過它,卻從未上去過。

Crushed levant grain 熨光縐紋粒面

Got the run . levanted with the cash of a few ads 收了幾筆廣告費,就攜款逃之夭夭。