
lev LEV = low emission vehicle低排...


On the basis of investigating and analyzing the economy development lev el of three gorges electric power aim market , the paper has studied the total electric power consumption level of three gorges electric power aim market , load increasing rate and the potential of electric power consumption , settled the base of establishing marketing strategy 在調查分析了三峽電力目標市場的經濟發展水平的基礎上,研究了目標市場的總體用電水平、負荷增長率及電力消納潛力,為營銷策略的制定打下基礎。

( 2 ) 3d - fem analysis for the load - bearing capacity of the stud connector as the prevailing method to determine the shear rigidity and the limit load - bearing capacity of the shear connector is the push test , which is time consuming and laborious , in this thesis the push tesi specimen of the stud connector is simulated through the non - linear analysis module of the msc / nastran and the numerical analysis results are in good coherence with that of the practicality lev ; as a result , the shear rigidity and the limit load - bearing capacity of the stud connector can be determined by the finite element method and only a few practicality verification tests ( 2 )栓釘型剪力鍵承載力的3d - fem分析針對當前剪力鍵一般通過費時費力的推頂試驗來確定抗剪剛度和極限承載力的狀況,本文利用msc nastran非線性模塊實現了對栓釘剪力鍵推頂試樣的數值模擬分析,數值計算結果與試驗結果能夠很好吻合。這使得通過有限元方法的模擬和少量實物試驗的驗證,就能確定栓釘剪力鍵的剪切剛度和極限承載力,可以大大節省時間和經費。

This article imtroduces adesign for a new style nonelastic element flexible c ouple r with good combinedcompensntion functions of axial , radial and anguladirection s . it s a mew idea designwith a simple and reasonable construction , lowpri ce and convenient maintenance . also it hasa super axial compensating ability compared with common couplers . the theory is that therotary force can be changed into lev eladvanced force . it has been proved that this couplerhas a good combined techn ique proprety and a higher rate between quality and price . itmust have cheerful prospects of application 設計了一種具有良好的軸向、徑向及角向綜合補償功能的新型無彈性元件撓性聯軸器.這種聯軸器構思新穎,結構簡單,容易加工制造,便于裝拆維修,具有一般聯軸器所不能實現的軸向超大補償能力.設計原理可引伸拓寬到將轉動動力轉變為直線推進動力的設計上.實踐證明,該聯軸器具有良好的綜合技術性能和較高的性能價格比,極具應用前景

Brenda lansdown believe it important to study teaching in maoist and marxist thinking in socialist country . investigation and colloquium method is an excellent and modern thinking philosophy , impacted by john dewey . brenda lansdown “ investigation and colloquium method originated from the physiological study of lev semenovich vygotsky 蘭本達的教學法受到杜威、維果茨基等人教育心理思想的影響,它是對“科學家工作方法”的遷移,也是蘭本達在自己教學實踐中的創造,它有著堅實的哲學、教育學、心理學和社會現實的基礎。

This year , a record 633 exhibitors showed their latest products at the show , including giant , merida , shimano , campagnolo , and sram . topeak , the world - class bike accessories design company and international bike industry business agent , showed their new inflatable clip - on portable mudguard , and sram launched their new xtr and city bike ranges 展覽共分三區展出,世貿一館一樓展出自行車車胎座墊車身車燈煞車變速器等零配件,一館二樓則展示輕型電動車lev與其他自行車零組件,而世貿三館以自行車整車為主。

The effectiveness of lev was confirmed and revealed in three pivotal multicenter , randomized , double - blind , and placebo - controlled clinical trials conducted in the united states and europe that lev is well tolerable and safe for patients with seizure , cognitive , and anxiety disorders 全球范圍的3個重要多中心、隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照臨床試驗結果顯示左乙拉西坦具有確切的抗癲癇療效和很好的耐受性,可用于治療癲癇、神經痛和其他神經系統疾病。

With advancement of the emission ordinance and the fluctuation of the oil , the lev has become an important way to solve this problem , to improve air quality and keep a health feature 大力發展清潔汽車不僅是當前控制城市大氣污染的重要突破口,而且也代表了未來汽車的發展方向。發展清潔汽車對于保護大氣環境、改善城市空氣質量、保持汽車工業持續健康發展將產生深遠的影響。

The pharmacokinetic profile of lev closely approximates the ideal characteristics expected of an antiepileptic drug , with good bioavailability , linear and time - invariant kinetics , minimal protein binding , and least metabolism 左乙拉西坦幾乎具備了較好的抗癲癇藥物的所有藥動學特性:生物利用度高、線性曲線、低蛋白結合率、無肝酶誘導作用。

“ i would personally give it to buffon as the time has arrived for another goalkeeper to win the award after lev yashin [ who won in 1963 ] , ” added the multiple scudetto winner “個人而言,我比較傾向于把這個獎項辦法給布馮,他將會是雅辛( 1963年獲此殊榮)之后第二個贏得這一獎項的守門員。 ”這位多次捧回金球獎的法國足球名宿補充說。

Lev ( low emission vehicle ) is the vehicle which has low emission including lpgv , cngv , hybird car , electronic vehicle and other car which can take some ways to reduce the emission 清潔汽車是指低排放的燃氣汽車( lpgv 、 cngv ) 、混合動力汽車、電動汽車以及采用多種技術手段大大降低排放污染的燃油汽車以及其它代用燃料汽車。

The world cup winner is among the 50 nominees competing for the prestigious award and the latest rumours suggest he may become the first goalkeeper since lev yashin in 1963 to be awarded the title 這名世界杯冠軍在50個候選人的名單之中,據最新的傳聞,他將是雅幸于1963年之后第一個獲得這個榮譽的守門員

The only goalkeeper to have won this trophy was legendary russian lev yashin in 1963 , while mathias sammer was the last defender to be voted european player of the year in 1996 唯一一名門將得主是前蘇聯傳奇門將雅興于1963年獲得.而最近的一次后衛獲得歐洲足球先生是1996年的薩默爾

12 lev g f , pippenger n , valiant l g . a fast parallel algorithm for routing in permutation networks . ieee transactions on computers , 1981 , 30 : 93 - 100 為支持跨機器執行的網格化mpi grid - based mpis的自動化執行, superscheduler也支持多個節點之間的資源協分配co - allocation 。

Levetiracetam ( lev ) is a novel orally active antiepileptic drug , structurally unrelated to other antiepileptics and with an entirely unique preclinical profile 摘要左乙拉西坦是一種新型的口服抗癲癇藥物,與其他抗癲癇藥物的結構不同,具有全新的抗癲癇機制。

But the activation energy of water quenching samples are very different at different aging temperature , the lowest is 1 . 27ev and the highest is 2 . 4 lev 而水淬試樣在不同的時效溫度下激活能計算的結果有很大的不同,激活能最低為1 . 27ev ,最高為2 . 4lev 。

The lev employs an electric drum brake that , ni claims , stops it faster than the cantilever brakes used on garden - variety electric bikes could 倪捷解釋道: lev裝有電鼓閘,它的剎車效果比各種各樣電動車常用的懸臂閘要好得多。

Ideal is the beacon . without ideal , there is no secure dirction ; without dirction , there is no life . - - - - - - lev tolstoy 理想是指路明燈.沒有理想,就沒有秒年第毫年個的方向;沒有方向,就沒有生活. - - - - - -列夫-托爾斯泰

As zoya makes the journey from moscow , it is the narrator ' s job to prepare the house of meetings for lev and his bride 卓婭從莫斯科啟程后, “我”開始為列弗與他的新娘布置“見面屋” 。

The antiepileptic activity of lev was assessed in a number of animal models ereated for investigation of epileptic seizures 多種動物模型顯示左乙拉西坦具有抗癲癇特性。