
leukosis n.= leuk(a)emia.


Envelope gene gp85 of imc10200 subgroup j avian leukosis virus was cloned and expressed in the present study . the sequence encoding the gp85 domain of imc 10200 alv - j was amplified from pgem - imc2 . 2 vector , which contains env gene of alv - j imc 10200 strain , and cloned into transfer vector pfast bacl 為深入探討alv - j的亞群特性,本研究利用alv - jgp85基因兩側的序列片段為引,物從正常spf蛋雞、商品肉雞和df1細胞基因組中完整地擴增了內源性類alv - jgp85基因。

A strain of subgroup j avian leukosis virus ( alv - j ) was isolated from an adult broiler breeder flock , which had a history of myeloid leukosis ( ml ) , in inner mongolian . moreover , another strain of alv - j was isolated from a ml case in shandong 本研究從曾見典型ml病例的內蒙古某肉種雞場淘汰肉種雞和山東一例骨髓性白血病( myeloidleukosis , ml )肉種雞病例中,分離出兩株j亞群禽白血病病毒( avianleukosisvirussubgroupj , alv - j ) 。

Applying the rapid diagnosis technique developed in the laboratory to the suspected tumor samples or dna kept in the laboratory . 32 of 250 samples were identified as avian leukosis viruses ( alvs ) ( amounted to 12 . 8 % of the samples ) 應用本實驗室建立的腫瘤病快速鑒別診斷技術,對臨床送檢的蒼白消瘦、有腫瘤病變或肝脾腫大的患雞病料或本實驗室保存的dna樣品250份進行alv的檢測。

Animal health analysis methods - detection of antibodies against bovine enzootic leukosis by the agar gel immunodiffusion test 動物健康分析方法.用病毒中性試驗方法檢測抗牛傳染的鼻氣管炎抗體

Development of chicken embryo fibroblast cell line resistant to j subgroup avian leukosis virus infection 亞群禽白血病病毒的雞胚成纖維細胞系建立

Avian leukosis virus 禽類白血病病毒

Protocol of agar gel immunodiffusion test for enzootic bovine leukosis 牛地方流行性白血病瓊脂免疫擴散試驗操作規程

Enzyme - linked immunosorbent assay for avian leukosis virus p27 antigen 禽白血病病毒p27抗原.酶聯免疫吸附試驗方法

Agar gel immunodiffusion test for enzootic bovine leukosis 地方流行性牛白血病瓊脂凝膠免疫擴散試驗方法