
leukopenia n.【醫學】白血球減少。leukopenic adj.


Observation of changes of some biological indices in patients with occupational leukopenia before and after the negative air jon therapy 生物效應靜電處理后的小麥種子的發芽率和幼苗生長的變化

Howeer , seere side effects such as anemia , leukopenia and pneumonitis were significantly more common in the combination group 然而,貧血、白細胞減少和肺炎等嚴重副作用在聯合治療組更常見。

Clinical observation on treatment of chemotherapy - induced stubborn leukopenia by acupoint - injection combined with chinese drugs 穴位注射合中藥治療化療所致難治性白細胞減少癥的臨床觀察

Treating 78 cases of leukopenia caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy for the treatment of tumor with gui lu er xian tang 龜鹿二仙湯治療腫瘤放化療后白細胞減少78例

Review on mechanisms of acupuncture - moxibustion against leukopenia due to chemotherapy induced myeloid inhibition 針灸抗化療骨髓抑制所致白細胞減少機制研究綜述

Effects of traditional shengbaiyin on immune and hematopoietic function of leukopenia animal model in mice 生白飲對白細胞減少癥模型小鼠免疫和造血功能的影響

Effect of shuanghuang shengbai granule on radiotherapy or chemotherapy induced leukopenia in mice 雙黃升白顆粒劑對小鼠白細胞減少癥的影響

Twenty - one patients with leukopenia caused by chemotherapy treated by acupiont block therapy 穴位封閉治療化療后白細胞減少癥21例

These irradiations may cause the leukopenia , reduce the human body immunity 這些射線會使白血球減少,降低人體的抵抗力和免疫力。

Effect of jia wei si wu tang on oxyen radicais and lpo leukopenia of mice 黃芪總皂苷和三七總皂苷配伍對大鼠局灶性腦缺血的影響

Leukopenia occurred in 24 ( 36 % ) eod infants and 5 ( 21 % ) lod infants 早發性病例的死亡率是14 % ,而遲發性病例則僅有4 %死亡。

Treatment of leukopenia by bushen yisui tang : a clinical observation of 69 cases 補腎益髓湯治療白細胞減少癥69例療效觀察

Patients with leukopenia treated with acu - moxibustion on dazhui 針灸大椎穴治療白細胞減少43例43