
leukemia n.【醫學】白血病。


Ln two years ' time , l will be able to cure children ' s leukemia 在兩年內我就可以讓那些患白血病的孩子們得到重生

All acute lymphoblatic leukemia 急性淋巴性白血病

You probably gave me leukemia 你讓我得了白血病

Objective : to investigate the relationship between the psoriasis and leukemia 目的:探討銀屑病與白血病的關系。

Peter ' s leukemia is gone 彼得的白血病已經痊愈了

Leukemia society fellow , 73 - 75 白血病學會研究員

Acute myelogenous leukemia basic 急性骨髓性白血病

Lrp15 gene promoter region methylation and its expression in acute leukemia 15基因啟動子區甲基化及其表達分析

Acute undifferentiated leukemia 急性未分化性白血病

Journal of leukemia amp; lymphoma 白血病183 ;淋巴瘤

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia basic 急性淋巴性白血病

Behavioral characteristics , alexithymia and coping styles of patients with acute leukemia 述情障礙及應對方式

The effect of family relations in the survival phase of leukemia patients 家庭關系對白血病患者生存期的影響

Marisa : leukemia ? oh , my god 白血病?哦!我的上帝!

Reversing effect of verapamil on multidrug resistance in human leukemia k562 cells 562細胞耐藥性的逆轉作用

Human t cell leukemia virus , htlv 人類t細胞白血病病毒

Advances in studies on the therapy of refractory acute myelogenous leukemia 難治性急性髓性白血病治療進展

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia after benzene poisoning : a case report 苯中毒繼發慢性淋巴細胞性白血病1例報告

1 once in a hospital i saw a small child with acute leukemia 有一次我在醫院里看到一個患白血病的小女孩。