
leukaemia n.【醫學】白血病。


The study of more than a million women also found that being overweight significantly increased the risk of kidney cancer , leukaemia , multiple myeloma , pancreatic cancer , non - hodgkin ' s lymphoma , ovarian cancer and , in some age - groups , breast and bowel cancer 這項對100萬女性進行的研究也發現體重超標大大地提高腎癌,白血病,多發性骨髓癌,非線性病,胰腺癌,子宮愛,以及在一些年齡層也會引發胸癌和腸癌。

The study of more than a million women also found that being overweight significantly increased the risk of kidney cancer , leukaemia , multiple myeloma , pancreatic cancer , non - hodgkin ' s lymphoma , ovarian cancer and , in some age - groups , breast and bowel cancer 對于一百多萬女性的研究也發現肥胖明顯增加了患腎癌,白血病,復合型骨髓癌,非霍金氏淋巴瘤,卵巢癌的危險,以及在其他年齡階段患上胸癌和腸癌。

The study of more than a million women also found that being overweight significantly increased the risk of kidney cancer , leukaemia , multiple myeloma , pancreatic cancer , non - hodgkin ' s lymphoma , ovarian cancer and , in some age - groups , breast and bowel cancer 通過對近一百萬人的調查表明過度肥胖能夠明顯的增加患腎癌,白血病,骨髓瘤,胰腺癌,淋巴瘤,卵巢癌和在一些年齡段中的乳房和直腸癌的風險。

The study of more than a million women also found that being overweight significantly increased the risk of kidney cancer , leukaemia , multiple myeloma , pancreatic cancer , non - hodgkin ' s lymphoma , ovarian cancer and , in some age - groups , breast and bowel cancer 在對一百萬的女性的研究調查中也發現,肥胖很容易引起腎癌,白血病,骨髓瘤,胰腺癌,淋巴瘤,子宮癌以及對一些特定年齡群的乳房癌或腸道癌。

Methods : fourteen patients with priapism were evaluated by cavernous blood gas analysis , color duplex ultrasonography , 8 cases of priapism resulted from intracavernosal injection of vasoactive agents , 2 from leukaemia , 1 from perineal trauma and 3 from unknown cause 方法:回顧性分析陰莖異常勃起患者14例的臨床資料,其中血管活性藥物所致8例,白血病所致2例,會陰外傷所致1例,原因不明3例。

A large number of data also make clear , the spouse that contacts closely with leukaemia patient all does not have higher than other crowd incidence of a disease , even the blood that lost leukaemia patient by accident also did not cause the case of leukaemia 大量資料也表明,與白血病病人密切接觸的配偶均沒有比其他人群高的發病率,甚至有誤輸了白血病病人的血液也未引起白血病的例子。

The study of more than a million women also found that being overweight significantly increased the risk of kidney cancer , leukaemia , multiple myeloma , pancreatic cancer , non - hodgkin ' s lymphoma , ovarian cancer and , in some age - groups , breast and bowel cancer 研究發現超過100萬的婦女過渡肥胖增加了得腎癌,白血病,骨癌,胰腺癌,淋巴癌,子房癌的風險,在年輕人中還有乳房癌和腸癌

The team looked through the records of more than 29 , 000 children in england and wales who had had cancer , 9 , 700 of them leukaemia , and compared this with the location of their homes in relation to power lines 該研究小組仔細研究二萬九千名英格蘭與威爾斯地區罹患癌癥的兒童病例,其中包括九千七百名患有白血癥的病童,然后再比對他們住家地點與高壓電線的關系。

Mortality rates for leukaemia and brain tumour of highly exposed train drivers ( 21 ? t average annual exposure ) were compared with medium and low exposed occupational groups ( i . e . station masters with an average exposure of 1 ? t ) 高暴露的火車駕駛(年暴露平均為21微特司拉)的白血病及腦瘤死亡率與中、低暴露的族群進行比較(如年平均暴露為1微特司拉的站長) 。

The study of more than a million women also found that being overweight significantly increased the risk of kidney cancer , leukaemia , multiple myeloma , pancreatic cancer , non - hodgkin ' s lymphoma , ovarian cancer and , in some age - groups , breast and bowel cancer 超重結果是特別得驚人得,擴大子宮癌癥河確切類型得喉癌,類似一半得這種類型得例子都與體重有關

In 2005 , the department of health funded draper report found that children who lived within 200 metres of high voltage lines had a 70 % higher risk of developing leukaemia than those who lived more than 600 metres away 2005年,英國衛生部資助的一項研究顯示,在高壓電纜塔周圍200米內的兒童患白血病的機率比居住在電纜塔600米外的兒童要高70 % 。

The purpose of the agreement is to isolate acute myeloid leukaemia stem cells and generate monoclonal antibodies against these cells to help develop new therapies , the french pharmaceuticals group said on friday 周五這家法國制藥集團表示,這項合作的目的是分離急性髓系白血病干細胞,生產針對這些細胞的單克隆抗體,從而開發新的療法。

It was a story about an 18 - year - old girl suffering from leukaemia . this story reverberated in our qq community , with over 3 , 000 views recorded on the same day . we immediately decided to give unconditional support to them 讓更多的人了解貧困助學活動,使更多的貧困生得到捐助,同時也召集更多有愛心的人士奉獻一份愛心,盡一份力量。

Initially named after the santerno river which borders it on the paddock side , the circuit was renamed autodromo dino ferrari in 1970 after enzo ferrari ' s son , who had died of leukaemia in 1956 伊莫拉賽道最初以它附近的一條河命名, 1970年,在恩佐-法拉利的兒子在1956年因白血病離開之后,賽道被命名為奧托德羅摩-蒂諾-法拉利。

Conclusions : some evidence of an exposure ? response association was found for myeloid leukaemia and hodgkin ' s disease , but not for other haematopoietic and lymphatic malignancies and brain tumours 結論:我們在骨髓性白血病及霍奇金氏癥發現到暴露反應關系之某些證據,但是沒有在其他血液、淋巴腫瘤及腦瘤上發現這樣的相關。

At present , crcf has received more than 6000 donations from fans totaling 400000yuan ( us $ 50000 ) . the donations have been helping 31 poor children hit by leukaemia , wang said 王說,目前, crcf已經從玉米那里收到超過6000筆捐贈,總計40萬元人民幣( 5萬美元) 。這些捐贈已經投入使用,正在幫助31個有白血病的貧困兒童。

The six were healthy volunteers , paid to take part in the earliest stage of human testing of a potential new medicine for inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and leukaemia 現在,這6人已被轉入院內重癥看護病房接受緊急治療。其中一人服藥后呼吸非常困難,他的家人被告知此人雙腿發紫。

He said his foundation had invited li to serve as the image spokeswoman for the “ little angel fund , ” that is also designed to help poor children with leukaemia late last year 他說:他的基金會邀請李宇春做“小天使基金”的形象代言人,該基金也是用于去年下半年幫助貧困的白血病兒童的。

The exact pathogeny of leukaemia also is mixed other tumour is same , still cannot affirm , but think with genetic element , environment element and virus infection is concerned commonly 白血病的確切病因也和其他腫瘤一樣,仍不能肯定,但一般認為與遺傳因素、環境因素及病毒感染有關。