
leucorrhea n.= leukorrhea.


Range of application it is applied to the female vulvitis caused by different kinds of pathogenic microorganism , colpitis , cervicitis , cervical erosion , endometritis , pelvic inflammatory disease , adnexitis , oophoritis , vaginal prutitus , disorder of the leucorrhea and various kinds of gynecology diseases which haven ' t been cured for a long time ; it is endowed with the function of antibiosis , relieving itching , moist , contracting the vagina , removing the foreign flavor and long nursing 適用于女性各種致病微生物引起的外陰炎、陰道炎、宮頸炎、宮頸糜爛、子宮子宮內膜炎、盆腔炎、附件炎、卵巢炎,陰道瘙癢,白帶異常等各種久治不愈的婦科疾病;對女性生殖系統具有抗菌、止癢、潤澤、縮陰,消除異味和長效護理的作用。

Serviceable range it refers to vaginal looseness , vaginal abnormal flavor , leucorrhea with red and white discharge , senile vaginitis , trichomonal vaginitis , colpomycosis , pruritus vulvae , pelvic inflammation , endometritis , appendagitis , cervical erosion , hysteromyoma , ovarian cyst , polypus , irregular menses , algomenorrhea and related complaints , excessive excretion , cervicitis , mycoplasma infection , endocrine disturbance and the symptoms caused by these diseases including pain in inferior belly , menoxenia , dysmenorrheal , pruritus vulvae , leucorrhea with abnormal flavor , gloomy vultus with moth - patch , etc 適用于陰道松弛、陰道異味、赤白帶下、老年性陰道炎、滴蟲陰道炎、霉菌性陰道炎、外陰瘙癢、盆腔炎、子宮內膜炎、附件炎、宮頸糜爛、子宮肌瘤、卵巢囊腫、息肉、月經不調、痛經不適、分泌物過多,宮頸炎、支原體感染,內分泌失調以及這些疾病引起的下腹疼痛、月經不調、痛經、外陰瘙癢、白帶異味、面色灰暗黃褐斑等。

It refers to vaginal looseness , vaginal abnormal flavor , leucorrhea with red and white discharge , senile vaginitis , trichomonal vaginitis , colpomycosis , pruritus vulvae , pelvic inflammation , endometritis , appendagitis , cervical erosion , hysteromyoma , ovarian cyst , polypus , irregular menses , algomenorrhea and related complaints , excessive excretion , cervicitis , mycoplasma infection , endocrine disturbance and the symptoms caused by these diseases including pain in inferior belly , menoxenia , dysmenorrheal , pruritus vulvae , leucorrhea with abnormal flavor , gloomy vultus with moth - patch , etc 適用于陰道松弛、陰道異味、赤白帶下、老年性陰道炎、滴蟲陰道炎、霉菌性陰道炎、外陰瘙癢、盆腔炎、子宮內膜炎、附件炎、宮頸糜爛、子宮肌瘤、卵巢囊腫、息肉、月經不調、痛經不適、分泌物過多,宮頸炎、支原體感染,內分泌失調以及這些疾病引起的下腹疼痛、月經不調、痛經、外陰瘙癢、白帶異味、面色灰暗黃褐斑等。

It is applied to the female vulvitis caused by different kinds of pathogenic microorganism , colpitis , cervicitis , cervical erosion , endometritis , pelvic inflammatory disease , adnexitis , oophoritis , vaginal prutitus , disorder of the leucorrhea and various kinds of gynecology diseases which haven ' t been cured for a long time ; it is endowed with the function of antibiosis , relieving itching , moist , contracting the vagina , removing the foreign flavor and long nursing 適用于女性各種致病微生物引起的外陰炎、陰道炎、宮頸炎、宮頸糜爛、子宮子宮內膜炎、盆腔炎、附件炎、卵巢炎,陰道瘙癢,白帶異常等各種久治不愈的婦科疾病;對女性生殖系統具有抗菌、止癢、潤澤、縮陰,消除異味和長效護理的作用。

Vaginal discharge , or leucorrhea , is the clear or semi - opaque protein - like substance secreted to keep the vagina moist and healthy . it should be odorless . many women find vaginal discharge annoying , but this is in fact normal 其實陰道分泌物是正常生理現象,正常情況下,婦女陰道會有一些清澈或半透明的無味蛋白狀分泌物,即白帶,主要為保持陰道濕潤健康。