
leucocyte n.= leukocyte.


The results showed that in the beef cattle fed with chinese medicine additive , daily gain , number of lymphocyies and glucose and calcium concentrations in the blood were significantly increased , while npn content was decreased , some indexes , such as number of leucocyte , feed conversion rate and digestive rate of nutrients , had a tendency to rise , but there were no significant differences between treatment and control groups 結果表明,肉牛日糧中添加中藥飼料添加劑,可顯著提高日增重、血液中淋巴細胞數量、血糖和血鈣含量,非蛋白氮含量顯著下降;血液中白細胞、分葉細胞、采食量、飼料轉化率、各養分消化率均有上升趨勢,但組間無顯著差異。

The technology of computer control and embedded , theory of digital image processing , wavelet , mathematics morphology , and neural network pattern - recognition , are applied on the system . around several key problems , which analytical system of leucocytes micrograph is of information and automatization , have studied on the following aspects : 1 . design automatic classifies system model of blood cell , which is based on imaging of colored ccd camera and computer control 本文的主要研究工作是白細胞顯微圖像分析,綜合應用微機控制技術、嵌入式系統技術、數字圖像處理技術、小波分析、數學形態學和神經網絡理論,圍繞著白細胞顯微圖像分析系統的信息化、自動化程度中的幾個關鍵問題做了以下幾方面的研究: 1

In this paper we have used the watershed segmentation arithmetic of mathematics morphologic to analyze and mark the sequential and similar gray target image . as a result , resolved the difficult problem that general technology of digital image ca n ' t detect leucocytes “ edge of overlapping cells , which has creative meaning in the edge segmentation technology of leucocytes plasm 應用數學形態學流域分割算法對具有連通或相似灰度的目標圖像進行檢測與標示,解決了一般數字圖像處理技術難以分割具有交疊區域的白細胞圖像的問題,在細胞漿的邊緣分割中具有創新意義。

This paper discussed the structure and performance of automatic classifies system of leucocytes . the system is composed by microscope , microcomputer and chromatic ccd camera , it use the technology of digital image processing and neural network theory to realize automatic classifies of the leucocytes 本文研究了用于白細胞識別的圖像分析系統的結構和性能,提出了以顯微鏡、微機和彩色ccd攝像機為主體,應用計算機數字圖像等技術實現白細胞分類的實用化系統結構。

Interferon is gens protein , - interferon calls leucocyte interferon again , it is to treat the remedy with chronic second liver , third most effective liver at present , it is reached through restraining virus to duplicate adjust immune function , make serum transaminase returns to normal , improve liver histology to change , prevent the happening of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer , achieve the goal that raises patient life quality and survival rate 干擾素是一族蛋白質, -干擾素又稱白細胞干擾素,是目前治療慢性乙肝、丙肝最為有效的藥物,它通過抑制病毒復制及調節免疫功能,使血清轉氨酶恢復正常,改善肝組織學變,防止肝硬化和肝癌的發生,達到提高病人生活質量和生存率的目的。

The symptoms are similar to prostatitis , but there is no evidence of prostate inflammation , this is also nonbacterial prostatitis . in fact , quite a number of patients is nonbacterial one , which only have a mass of leucocyte without any bacterial in the prostate liquid . adopting antibiotics to cure diseases can t have preferably effect 有上述癥狀,經直腸指檢發現前列腺稍脹大,飽滿,質軟,按摩后甚易排出前列腺液,液體較稀薄而量多,多次尿液及前列腺液常規和培養均無細菌,但前列腺內有較多白細胞者可診為本病。

Thymosin ( thy ) is peptide hormone that secrete from human ' s or animal ' s thymus tissue . the thymosin is important in maturation , differentiation and immunity of lymphoid leucocyte . especially , the thymosin plays a vital role in resistance to tumor , transplantation and infection of microbion 胸腺肽是動物或人胸腺組織分泌的一種多肽激素,它對于淋巴細胞的成熟、分化和免疫功能具有重要作用,特別是在抗腫瘤免疫、移植免疫及抗微生物感染等方面起著重要作用。

Typical display is those who break out is acuteness next bellyacke , extend to complete abdomen gradually , companion has low heat or can spend leucocyte gently to lift , at the same time companion has apparent peritoneal stimulation to ask for , namely abdominal muscle insecurity , tenderness and bounce are painful 3 .典型的表現為突發的劇烈下腹痛,逐漸延及全腹,可伴有低熱或輕度白細胞升高,同時伴有明顯的腹膜刺激征,即腹部肌肉緊張、壓痛和反跳痛。

Homology analysis showed that pta1 molecule is highly conserved among human , gibbon and monkey , sharing the same sequence about 93 % ~ 95 % at the protein level . pta1 and monoclone antibodies fmu1 - 7 were named as cd226 in 7th workshop and conference on human leucocyte differentiation antigens ( hlda ) Pta1以及我室制備的一套mabfmu1 - 7在2000年第7屆人類白細胞分化抗原國第四軍醫大學碩士學位論文中文摘要際協作會議中被命名為cd226 。

The measure of blood cells in most domestic hospital relies mainly on manual operation at present , it is influenced by various kinds of human factors , so the examination qualities of the leucocytes are partly effected , and the examination efficiency of the leucocytes is effected too 目前國內大多數醫院的血液白細胞的檢驗以人工操作為主,由于受到各種人為因素的影響,使得白細胞的檢測質量和效率受到一定的影響。

The symptoms of the nonbacterial prostatitis are similar to the chronic bacterial prostatitis , only the numbers of the leucocyte in the prostate liquid increase but have any bacterial or mycoplasma and chlamydia and other pathogenic microbe found 臨床醫生將癥狀像慢性前列腺炎前列腺液中有白細胞增多,但涂片及培養都沒有細菌,尿液檢查也沒有細菌的這類病例命名為無菌性前列腺炎。

The lymphocyte used in the leucocyte antigen and check mainly is separated , washed , train separation of cell and refined , blood coagulation deal with , what blood group check check a kind of routine equipment of field 主要用于白血球抗原檢查的淋巴細胞分離、洗滌,培養細胞的分離與精制,凝血處理,血型檢查等的檢查領域的一種常規設備。

To analyze the leucocytes image by using wavelet , we bring forward the idea of detecting leucocytes “ karyon . through analyzing deeply , we realize the fast - time leucocytes image detection 基于小波包分解的白細胞圖像處理,提出了細胞胞核提取的基本思想,進行了深入的理論研究和實際分析,實現對胞核邊緣快速而有效的提取。

The general down - regulation of leucocytes observed by the spanish researchers suggests an overall beneficial effect , a generally more healthy body 西班牙研究者們所觀察到的全身性下調白血球水平的作用意味著未經加工的土豆淀粉是具有全面的有益的作用的,也就是總的來說身體是更加健康。

People calls leukaemia “ hematic cancer “ have stated reason , leukaemia is the leucocyte in blood malign hyperplasia , treat hard like general cancer 人們把白血病稱為“血癌”是有一定道理的,白血病就是血液中的白細胞惡性增殖,像一般癌癥一樣難以治療。

Interferon generation method is by finland the scientist blocks li kante the doctor invents , he extracts leucocyte to produce interferon from inside blood 干擾素產生方法是由芬蘭科學家卡里?坎特兒博士發明的,他從血液中提取白細胞便產生干擾素。

The leucocyte when sanguification check counts great majority normal or reduce , lung x line piece the pneumonic change that shows different rate 血液化驗時白細胞數大多數正常或降低,肺部x線片顯示出不同程度的肺炎改變。

Haematology - determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - part 4 : reference procedure for the determination of the concentration of leucocytes 血液學.血液血細胞濃度測定.第4部分:白細胞濃度測定

Where there is persistent hyperglycaemia , leucocytes do not function optimally , further aggravating the risk of systemic sepsis 如果存在持續的高血糖,白細胞的正常功能將受到影響,可加重全身性敗血癥的風險。