
letup n.〔美口〕停止,中止;休息。 He jaws with...


L series - - - normal bathtub the traditional concealing spaces shows the unique creativity . thus , little by little , the product can shows its charms that will never fade without a letup 系列連體裙邊浴缸? ?在最傳統的隱蔽空間,展現出最獨到的創意;產品才能在細水長流中展現歷久彌新的經典魅力。

Under the immaculate and pretty appearance , awing contains everlasting dynamic and passion . the model design is vivid , smooth , accomplish without any letup 這個車型采用濰柴型柴油機,及中國重汽集團改進型客車底盤,整車線條動感,韻味十足。

Even if there is only a fantasy or an illusion , so long as it shows a ray of hope , it still urges you on in pursuit of the glimmer without letup 不管是望梅止渴,還是畫餅充饑,它都會激勵你不停手中的槳,去追逐哪怕是一星微小的火光。

As one of the cradles of human civilization , china has all along maintained its cultural tradition without letup in the history of several thousand years 中國作為人類文明發祥地之一,在幾千年的歷史進程中,文化傳統始終沒有中斷。

U . s . current account deficit continue to worsen , and no letup is in sight 影響美國經常賬戶赤字的潛在因素繼續惡化,而且看起來沒有中止惡化。

He jaws with no letup . 他沒完沒了地講。

They pressed on without letup until they got to the top of the hill . 他們一鼓作氣爬上山頂。