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letters patent 專利特許證。

letters testamentary

“ patents ” shall mean those letters patent , utlilty models and applications therefor presently ownedor hereafter acquired by party b and / or which party b has or may have the right to control or grant license thereof during the rerm hereof in any or all countries of the world and which are applicable to or may be used in the manufacture of the contract product “專利”是指乙方目前擁有的或將來獲得的、有權或可能有權控制的、或在本合同有效期間在世界任何國家許可轉讓的、適用于或可能被用來制造本產品的專利證、實用新型及其專利申請。

If anyone holding of us a lay fief shall die , and our sheriff or bailiff shall exhibit our letters patent of summons for a debt which the deceased owed us , it shall be lawful for our sheriff or bailiff to attach and enroll the chattels of the deceased , found upon the lay fief , to the value of that debt , at the sight of law worthy men , provided always that nothing whatever be thence removed until the debt which is evident shall be fully paid to us ; and the residue shall be left to the executors to fulfill the will of the deceased ; and if there be nothing due from him to us , all the chattels shall go to the deceased , saving to his wife and children their reasonable shares 為我們保有世俗封土者去世后,如我們的郡長或執行吏持有要求執行死者所欠債務的特許狀,則由忠誠守法之士在場旁證,郡長或執行吏可以合法地登記扣押在該封地內的、與債務價值相當的動產;債務清償之前,封存之物不得擅動;余額應由遺囑執行人依照死者遺囑執行;如死者并無欠債,則為寡婦幼兒留存合理份額后,所有動產應盡屬死者,任由其意愿處分。

Those familiar with the “ letters patent “ and “ royal instructions “ will know that before 1997 the governor of hong kong was required to obtain instructions from the principal secretaries of state before , for example , assenting to any law “ affecting the currency of the colony “ or “ establishing any banking association “ 熟識英皇制誥和皇室訓令的人士都知道,在1997年回歸前香港總督在作出某些決定前,例如批準會影響殖民地貨幣或有關成立任何銀行業公會的任何法例,都須先行聽取國務大臣的指示。

From 26 january 1841 to 30 june 1997 , hong kong was a british colony and its first constitution , in the form of queen victoria s letters patent entitled the charter of the colony of hong kong and proclaimed at the government house on 26 june 1843 , authorized the establishment of the legislative council and empowered “ the governor for the time being . with the advice of the said legislative council . to make and enact all such laws and ordinances as may from time to time be required for the peace , order and good government . of hong kong “ 香港自1841年1月26日起至1997年6月30日止是英國的殖民地,其首份憲法是由維多利亞女皇以英皇制誥形式頒布,名為香港殖民地憲章,并于1843年6月26日在總督府公布。該憲章訂定成立立法局,授權在任的總督.

From 26 january 1841 to 30 june 1997 , hong kong was a british colony and its first constitution , in the form of queen victoria s letters patent entitled the charter of the colony of hong kong and proclaimed at the government house on 26 june 1843 , authorized the establishment of the legislative council and empowered “ the governor for the time being . . . with the advice of the said legislative council . . . to make and enact all such laws and ordinances as may from time to time be required for the peace , order and good government . . . of hong kong “ 香港自1841年1月26日起至1997年6月30日止是英國的殖民地,其首份憲法是由維多利亞女皇以英皇制誥形式頒布,名為香港殖民地憲章,并于1843年6月26日在總督府公布。該憲章訂定成立立法局,授權在任的總督.

A foreign party who contributes industrial property or proprietary technology shall deliver documentation relating to thereto , including photocopies of the letters patent or trademark registration certificates , statements of validity , technical feature and practical value thereof , the basis for calculating the price , and the agreement signed with the chinese partner on the value thereof , as annexes attached to the joint venture contract 外國合營者以工業產權或者專有技術作為出資,應當提交該工業產權或者專有技術的有關資料、包括專利證書或者注冊商標證書的復制件、有效狀況及其技術特性、實用價值、作價的計算根據、與中國合營者簽訂的作價協議等有關文件,作為合營合同的附件。

But there have been no telegrams or other forms of communication from beijing that i am aware of after 1 july 1997 , since the basic law contains no requirements similar to those in the letters patent and royal instructions 然而,自1997年7月1日以來,我并沒有見過任何來自北京方面的電報或其他形式的通信,這是因為基本法并沒有類似英皇制誥和皇室訓令所載的規定。

The daily morning and evening prayers , reading really letters patent , is self - cultivation wudang monks road flyover daily homework , as the celestial beings ladder 每日清晨和黃昏誦頌經文真誥,是武當山出家道人自我修持的日常功課,被視為升仙者的階梯。

The name of the letter patent is “ impact drive sprinkler with different shapes of wetted areas “ and the patent right number is 992080878 as shows in the accessory 3 該專利名稱為“噴灑面為多種形狀的搖臂式噴頭” ,專利證號為: 992080878見附件3 。

The letters patent of 1917 , which replaced the 1843 charter , added the significant words “ and consent “ after the words “ with the advice “ 于1917年頒布取代1843年憲章的英皇制誥,其文本于的意見之后加入及同意等重要字眼。

The letters patent of 1917 , which replaced the 1843 charter , added the significant words “ and consent “ after the words “ with the advice “ 。于1917年頒布取代1843年憲章的英皇制誥,其文本于的意見之后加入及同意等重要字眼。

Ii by repealing quotother than the ex officio members referred to in paragraph of article vi of the hong kong letters patent 1917 to 1992 quot 條第l b款所提述的當然官守議員的

The letters patent should confirm the protection range of the product based on the content of this patent specification 專利文件是以權利要求書的內容為準,來確定產品的保護范圍。

Assignment of letters patent and trade mark 專利證書及商標轉讓