
letterman 〔美國〕(得獎的)運動員。

letters of administration

In 1979 , carrey relocated to los angeles and nailed down a regular gig at the comedy store , where his act drew favorable reviews from such notables as rodney dangerfield , who signed the confrontational comic on for a season as his opening act , and david letterman , who hosted him on late night 1979年,凱瑞搬到了洛杉磯,長期為一家“滑稽商店”做滑稽表演,在那里他的表演受到著名人物羅德尼?丹格菲爾德和大衛?萊特曼的好評,羅德尼?丹格菲爾德與他簽約一個季度讓他為自己的節目做開場演出,大衛?萊特曼則請他為“午夜場”節目做主持。

The following year , leann recorded and released sittin on top of the world , which featured the hit single “ commitment , “ as well as “ looking through your eyes “ from the animated motion picture , quest for camelot . in 1999 , leann released a self - titled cd , leann rimes which featured her unique interpretations of 11 country standards including ; “ crazy , “ i fall to pieces , “ leavin on your mind , “ don t worry “ and “ me bobby mcgee “ along with six additional classics and the smash hit single , “ big deal . “ another highlight of 1999 for leann was performing “ written in the stars , “ a duet with elton john from his aida album , on the people s choice awards , the tonight show , late night with david letterman and the today show 98年四月黎安萊姆絲為電影動畫片魔劍奇兵quest for camelot柔情演唱大衛佛斯特和carole bayer sager合寫的looking through your eyes全美18名掀起情歌風潮,五月發表第四張專輯sittin on top of the world ,其中黎安精彩詮釋prince的經典purple rain 99年黎安除了參加第二屆divas live演唱how do i live外,也和偶像elton john合唱音樂劇阿依達主題曲written in the stars英國排行第10名,并發行收錄排行單曲big deal注二的專輯leann rimes ,以演唱多首影響黎安萊姆絲的經典舊作和小女人味十足的新造型出發,包含patsy cline的crazy和i fall to pieces及janis joplin my and bobby mcgee等都唱出她個人的風格,果然為她的演唱事業締造好評,當年感恩節黎安萊姆絲也到歐陸為教宗獻唱歌曲。

“ david ( letterman ) is a fair and decent guy and makes me laugh as much as anyone , “ said ( jay ) leno , who was raked over the coals by another competitor , arsenio hall , when leno took over johnny carson ' s seat last may 勒諾說, “戴維對人公平正直,打趣的功夫不下于任何人。 “去年五月勒諾接替卡森的職位時遭到另一競爭者阿森尼奧?霍爾的嚴厲批評。

The filing comes just a day after spears , back in shape after the birth of her second child , made a surprise appearance on david letterman ' s “ late show “ in new york by popping up behind him as he was sitting at his desk 離婚訴狀是在生完第二個小孩恢復體型的布蘭妮出席大衛德萊特曼的“最新服裝秀”之后遞交到法院的。

The filing comes just a day after spears , back in shape after the birth of her second child , made a surprise appearance on david letterman s “ late show “ in new york by popping up behind him as he was sitting at his desk 離婚訴狀是在生完第二個小孩恢復體型的布蘭妮出席大衛德萊特曼的“最新服裝秀”之后遞交到法院的。

Spears announced she was pregnant with her second child during a surprise appearance in may on the cbs “ late show with david letterman . “ spears and federline married in september 2004 布蘭妮5月意外地出現在美國哥倫比亞廣播公司的大衛萊特曼晚間秀節目中,并宣布她已懷上第二個孩子。

A cultural soiree held on two friday evenings in a month featuring segments such as book and wine of the month , and the hardy letterman show 一個綜合沙、資訊、表演、 talk show 、咖啡座等模式的文化節目。既定環節包括hardy letterman專訪、康樂三人行、每月書糧及每月名釀等。

The always gorgeous halle berry tapes her guest appearance on the late show with david letterman show on monday night at the ed sullivan theater in nyc 09星期一早上,向來盛裝的哈莉貝瑞在紐約愛德?署沙利文劇場,作為特邀嘉賓參與了《大衛深夜秀》的節目錄制。

Clinton has other interviews planned next week , including one with larry king on cnn and with david letterman on cbs television ' s “ late show . 下周,克林頓還將接受美國有線新聞網主持人拉里?金和哥倫比亞廣播公司“晚間談話”節目主持人大衛?萊特曼的訪問。

Spears announced she was pregnant with her second child during a surprise appearance in may on the cbs “ late show with david letterman . 布蘭妮5月意外地出現在美國哥倫比亞廣播公司的《大衛?萊特曼晚間秀》節目中,并宣布她已懷上第二個孩子。

It ' s very organic and it ' s not really a harsh smell at all , ” said jeff simmons , a driver with the rahal letterman team 拉哈優秀校運動員團隊的車手杰夫?西門說: “它聞起來有點芳香,非常天然,而且一點都不刺鼻。 ”

Tell a few jokes you know they ' ll enjoy , share some comics from the paper or e - mail with them , watch the letterman show together 說幾個你知道他們準樂的笑話,分享一些報紙上的漫畫或用電子郵件交流,一起看脫口秀。

If this seems excessive , keep in mind that david letterman has made a living off of exploiting his innocent mother on air 如果你覺得這有些多余,看看david letterman ,他無辜的媽媽總被他拉上節目。

Arizona senator john mccain says he is running for president , making the announcement on the late show with david letterman 亞利桑那州參議員約翰?麥凱恩在大衛深夜秀節目中宣告他將競選美國總統。

David letterman , cbs ' “ late - night show ” host takes a humorous look at the presidential candidates 哥倫比亞廣播公司“晚間秀”節目主持人大衛?雷特曼如此調侃兩位總統候選人。

Lately i can barely drag you off the futon to go with me to the letterman show 就在不久以前,我好不容易才把你從被窩里拉起來和我一起去做letterman的節目。

I had it on letterman 我抓住了你的把柄

“ i saw you on < i > david letterman < / i > . you ' re fairly entertaining . “我看見你上《 david letterman秀》了你真會逗人高興

Your old man was a high - school legend . a double letterman 你老爸我是高中時的傳奇人物大家的白馬王子