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letter of marque 武裝私人船舶捕押敵船的許可證。

letter set

1 . no state shall enter into any treaty , alliance , or confederation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; emit bills of credit ; make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attainder , ex post facto law , or law impairing the obligation of contracts , or grant any title of nobility . 2 第十款任何一州都不得:締結任何條約,參加任何同盟或邦聯頒發捕獲敵船許可狀鑄造貨幣發行紙幣使用金銀幣以外的任何物品作為償還債務的貨幣通過任何公民權利剝奪法案追溯既往的法律或損害契約義務的法律或授予任何貴族爵位。

These privateering commissions or “ letters of marque “ were issued without constraint in wartime , and even in peacetime they were occasionally given to citizens who had suffered losses due to the actions of subjects from an offending states 簽發這種私掠委任狀或稱特許狀在戰時不受限制,在和平時期也會偶爾向那些由于敵國行為而遭受損失的本國公民開綠燈。

You have been given a letter of marque and a small ship permitting you to explore and conquer the new world , and make a fortune on the way 在游戲中,你憑借貿易許可和一艘小船去探索和征服新世界,并最終成為海上霸主。

11 . to declare war , grant letters of marque and reprisal , and make rules concerning captures on land and water 宣戰,頒發擄獲敵船許可狀,制定關于陸上和水上捕獲的條例