
letter n.出租人。

letter balance

A good face is a letter of recommendation . 漂亮的面孔就是最好的介紹信。

My letter was destined never to reach him . 我的信注定是交不到他手里了。

Temple, this is a noble letter . 坦波爾,這是一封難能可貴的信啊。

The letter was delayed in transmission . 這封信在傳遞中被耽誤了。

She did not have any letters last week . 她上周沒有收到任何信件。

Thomas scowled as he read the letter . 托馬斯讀這封信時,板著臉。

Please send my letter on to my new address . 請把我的信送往新址。

There 's no time for me to write a letter to him . 我來不及寫信給他了。

I enclose two tickets along with this letter . 我隨信附上兩張票。

This letter is an improvement on your last . 這封信比你上次的好。

Accompanying the letter is a parcel of books . 信外隨帶書籍一包。

The letter made her insane with jealousy . 那封信使她妒忌得發瘋。

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter . 我已收到了你的來信。

I did not mean you to read the letter . 我沒有要你看這封信的意思。

We could write a letter to the headmaster . 我們不妨給校長寫封信。

The postman stuck the letter under the door . 郵遞員把信從門底下塞入。

Your letter to my brother was shown to me . 致家兄來信,我已拜讀。

Will you post this letter for me , please ? 請您為我寄這封信行嗎?

We mailed the letter but kept a duplicate . 我們寄出了信,但留有副本。