
lethe n.1.【希臘神話】忘河〔人飲其水,就忘卻過去〕。2.〔...


“ i know not lethe nor nepenthe , “ remarked he ; “ but i have learned many new secrets in the wilderness , and here is one of them - a recipe that an indian taught me , in requital of some lessons of my own , that were as old as paracelsus “我不懂得什么迷魂湯或忘憂草之類的東西, ”他說道, “但我在那些野蠻人中間學到了許多新訣竅,這里的就是其中一種這是一個印第安人教給我的一種偏方,以報答我傳授給他的象巴拉塞爾蘇斯那樣一些老掉牙的知識。

Lethe is the river of oblivion or forgetfulness in the underworld in greek mythology . the dead would drink the waters of lethe to forget their earthly existence 這酹瑟河是希臘神話中的一條河流,人死后喝了它的水,就會忘記前世所發生的一切。所以希臘的酹瑟河水就相當于我們的孟婆湯。

If i call them into life across the waters of lethe will not the poor ghosts troop to my call 要是我隔著忘川249把它們喚回到現世來,那些可憐的幽靈會不會應聲而至呢?

Poor antony must think himself dead and swimming in lethe water 可憐的安東尼一定認為自己被忘記了