
lethargy n.1.嗜眠癥。2.沒精打采;懶散,呆滯;無生氣。


Frequent unsuccessful attempts to urinate , distressed meowing while attempting to urinate , lethargy , loss of appetite , vomiting and reluctance to move are symptoms that may signal urinary obstruction in a male cat and may constitute a medical emergency 經常嘗試排尿失敗、排尿時會痛苦的喵喵叫、嗜睡、胃口變差、嘔吐和不愛移動都有可能是公貓泌尿道阻塞的信號,也同時會構成危急的情況。

Nesidioblastosis is a rare condition affecting neonates . baby with this condition usually presents in the first few days of life with symptoms of severe hypoglycaemia ( low blood sugar ) including lethargy , poor feeding , hypotonia and repeated seizures 胰島細胞增殖癥是新生兒一種罕見病癥,病童于發病初期出現嚴重低血糖的徵狀,包括嗜睡、進食差、四肢無力和反覆癲癇發作。

Mr . st . john came but once : he looked at me , and said my state of lethargy was the result of reaction from excessive and protracted fatigue . he pronounced it needless to send for a doctor : nature , he was sure , would manage best , left to herself 約翰先生只來過一次,他瞧著我,說我昏睡不醒是長期疲勞過度的反應,認為不必去叫醫生,確信最好的辦法是順其自然。

That much was evident against fulham as , despite lethargy after midweek efforts against arsenal , the blues ground their way towards victory , with cole , frank lampard and gudjohnsen all on target 這在對富勒姆的比賽中得以體現,盡管剛剛經歷了周中和阿森納大戰的隊員十分疲憊,然而科爾,弗蘭克.蘭帕德和古德約翰森的入球確保藍軍仍然走在勝利的道路上。

In the following sections of this booklet , we will be discussing ways of tackling motivational problems and provide suggestions on ways you can take to turn lethargy into energy and apathy into commitment with your employees 在以下各部分,我們會討論如何激勵員工的問題,并會建議你如何激勵員工,使散漫的變得積極,漠不關心的轉為盡心竭力:

The dazzled bewilderment was fading , a numbness and lethargy that was not so much a weariness of body as it was a weariness of spirit that made her feet seem too heavy to lift , her heart too heavy to bear 使人眩目的困惑已經消退,隨之而來的是麻木與倦怠,那并非軀體上的疲勞而是源自靈魂,使她的雙腿無力支撐,她的心理無力負擔。

A trained health worker recorded the presence or absence of 31 clinical signs , such as difficulty in feeding and lethargy , and a paediatrician then assessed each case for severe illness 一位受過培訓的衛生工作者記錄下31種臨床體征是否存在,例如進食困難和嗜睡,然后一位兒科醫生評估每一個病例是否患有嚴重疾病。

“ good - by , albert , “ said beauchamp suddenly , carelessly extending his hand to the young man . the latter did not appear to arouse from his lethargy ; in fact , he did not notice the offered hand 波尚突然說,同時漫不精心把手給那個青年,但阿爾貝看來象還沒有擺脫他的恍惚狀態似的,并未注意到那只伸過來的手。

She would , indeed , have found it impossible to repeat what had been said the last few minutes , when suddenly madame danglars hand , pressed on her arm , aroused her from her lethargy 剛才她們所說的話,她實在沒有聽清楚突然地,騰格拉爾夫人的手抓住她的臂膀,把她從精神恍惚狀態中搖醒過來。

While announcing his departure , the count fixed his eyes on morrel , and remarked that the words , “ i shall have left this country , “ had failed to rouse him from his lethargy 當他說要離開的時候,伯爵看看莫雷爾,他發現“我就要離開這個國家”這幾個字并不能把他從麻木狀態中喚醒。

Red and orange , with warm feeling , possess the actions of making people excited and joyful . the colors are applicable to depression , depressive psychosis , lethargy , dementia , etc 紅色、橙色,具有溫暖的感覺,有時人興奮、喜樂的功效。適用于郁證、癲證、嗜睡、癡呆證等。

A cry more prolonged than the others and ending in a series of groans effectually roused me from my drowsy lethargy 最后的那一聲喊叫拖得很長,后來就愈來愈弱,漸漸地變成了呻吟,這一聲喊叫一下子把我從迷迷糊糊的昏睡狀態中喚醒了。

And by the same token , pets with warm , dry noses that are showing other symptoms such as lethargy or not eating should also be seen by a doctor 同樣癥狀,寵物的鼻子溫熱干燥,并伴有其他癥狀,如無生氣、不吃東西,也要去看醫生。

The prescription drug also can produce some unfortunate side effects , including loose stools , diarrhea , vomiting , lethargy and loss of appetite 不幸,這種處方藥也會產生一些副作用,包括拉肚子、腹瀉、嘔吐、無精打?和食欲不振。

Once conform , once do what other people do finer than they do it , and a lethargy steals over all the finer nerves and faculties of the soul 一旦循規蹈矩,一旦人為亦為,呆滯就籠罩著靈魂中一切靈敏的神經和官能。

I did what little could be done to assist that opportunity , and by - and - by she sank into a lethargy , and lay like the dead 我竭盡全力幫助她,但愿能有幾分希望,可是不久她便昏沉了,像死人一樣躺著。

That proposal , unexpectedly , roused linton from his lethargy , and threw him into a strange state of agitation 出乎意料之外,那個建議卻把林敦從他的昏沉中喚醒,使他墮入一種激動的奇怪狀態。

The sound roused nikol from her dread lethargy . she glanced up with unusual interest . “ a guest , “ she said 這個聲音喚醒了無精打采的妮可。她帶著非比尋常的興致抬起頭, “一位客人, ”她說。

Once , he tried to arouse himself from his lethargy , and went forward into the forecastle with the sailors 有一回他努力想把自己從昏沉里喚醒過來,便到水手艙去和水手們見面。