
lethargic adj.1.昏睡(狀態)的,嗜眠的,瞌睡的。2.催人昏睡...


I have looked at her , in a state so dull and lethargic , that i have thought of nothing but the number of horizontal lines i could draw across her at the full , and the number of perpendicular lines with which i could intersect them . he added in his inward and pondering manner , as he looked at the moon , it was twenty either way , i remember , and the twentieth was difficult to squeeze in 我曾在非常遲鈍懵懂的狀態下望過月亮,那時心里什么都不能想,只想到在滿月時,我能在它上面畫下的橫線的數目和跟橫線交叉的豎線的數目, ”他帶著沉思的神情望著月亮說下去, “橫豎都可以畫二十條線,我記得,第二十條線就很難擠進去了。 ”

Yet strip away the circulation gimmickry going on at newspapers today , a declining retail advertising base , and the lethargic attitude toward newspapers by the national advertising community , and what are newspapers faced with in terms of core business prospects 但是撇開今天報紙行業的發行伎倆、不斷下降的零售廣告收入、國內廣告業對報紙的不理不睬,從核心商業前景上來說,報紙又面臨著什么?

Jeffrey ellenbogen of harvard medical school and his colleagues recruited 60 healthy subjects ? excluding night owls , the restless and the lethargic ? and asked them to memorize 20 pairs of random words , such as blanket and village 哈佛醫學院的杰弗里?埃倫博根和同事招募了60個自愿參加實驗的健康對象? ?排除夜貓子、工作狂和瞌睡蟲? ?并要求他們記憶20對隨機單詞,比如“毛毯和村莊” 。

Headaches : europe and brazil . nasser hopes the new focus subcompact will jump - start lethargic sales in europe , but in brazil he ' ll be happy just to limit his losses 最頭痛的事情:歐洲和巴西。納塞爾希望新型的微型小汽車能占領歐洲市場以刺激公司目前不十分景氣的銷售業績,但是對于巴西他并不樂觀,只希望能降低虧損程度。

I found the sick - room unwatched , as i had expected : no nurse was there ; the patient lay still , and seemingly lethargic ; her livid face sunk in the pillows : the fire was dying in the grate 不出所料,我發覺病室里沒有人照看,護士不在。病人靜靜地躺著,似乎在昏睡,鉛灰色的臉陷入了枕頭,爐中的火將滅未滅。

Fill up on a protein - packed meal for lunch , such as fish or chicken breast with vegetables these energy giving foods will stop you from feeling lethargic in the afternoon 午餐要吃含蛋白質豐富的食物,如魚類或雞肉和蔬菜,這些食物食用后不會令您覺得倦意

In fact , japan ' s economy to this day is still lethargic and an increasing concern , according to a front - page story in the wall street journal of jan . 7 事實上,據1月7日《華爾街日報》的一個頭版故事報道所指,日本的經濟至今仍顯遲鈍且令人擔憂。

Wondering if his team was somewhat lethargic after an 11 - inning loss to detroit on friday , torre called a brief team meeting before saturday ' s game 托瑞周六賽前召開一場簡短的球隊會議,他想知道球員們是否受到前晚11局延長賽落敗而士氣低落。

Trips to the hospital emergency room after trying to prod , pet or harass these normally lethargic critters have proven otherwise 結果經過試圖刺激、擁抱、搔擾這些沒精打采的生物后被送到醫院的旅程,證明這些想法不盡亦然。

The caracara , a somewhat [ color = red ] [ b ] lethargic [ / b ] [ / color ] bird , passes much of the day on the ground of the open country it inhabits 卡拉卡拉鷹,一種有點無精打采的鳥,白天大部分時間都在它空曠的棲息地度過。

Chelsea shrugged of a lethargic first half performance to finally claim all three points courtesy of two second half goals 切爾西一改上半場懶洋洋的表現,最終以兩粒進球從對手身上拿走3分。

The caracara , a somewhat lethargic bird , passes much of the day on the ground of the open country it inhabits 卡拉卡拉鷹,一種有點無精打采的鳥,白天大部分時間都在它空曠的棲息地度過。

She continued either delirious or lethargic ; and the doctor forbade everything which could painfully excite her 她仍舊昏迷不醒或是懨懨無力。醫生禁止一切會痛苦地使她激動的事情。

Conversely , the child may be quite lethargic , andd need a great deal of prodding to get him orr her to move about 相反,孩子可能的相當的沉悶,需要極大的激勵才能使他活動。

People who have contracted diabetes may feel lethargic suddenly and get into the sleepy mood and faint 患有糖尿病的人有時會突然陷入昏睡狀態而倒下。

Her face looked so lethargic and pale , her body was very thin ; she could barely open her eyes 因為她臉色很差,又特別的瘦,眼睛也快要睜不開了。

The lethargic pace has been ruinous for new orleans and its hard - hit suburbs 這一遲緩的腳步給新奧爾良和遭受重大破環的郊區帶來毀滅性的影響。

Your own obsession with false - imbalances has made you lethargic and hypocritical 對于不平衡的執著使你變得感覺遲鈍并且偽善。

And in the euro zone , sluggish economies are looking ever more lethargic 在歐元區,低迷的經濟從來沒有這樣讓人昏昏欲睡。