
lethal adj.致死的,致命的,殺傷性的;〔美國〕外援以提供武器...

lethal gene

He is lethal , silent , and sneaky 安靜、詭秘而致命。

Lethal barbiturate , they say 他們說致命的是巴比妥酸鹽

Study on low lethal temperature of different strains of pseudosciaena crocea 不同品系大黃魚致死低溫的研究

Is there a lethal injection thing 不是有什么安樂死的嘛

' cause the radiation levels in that chamber were near - lethal , so 那個艙里的輻射量幾乎是致死的,所以

A un satellite committee and non - lethal weapons inspectors 一個聯合國衛星委員會和非致命性武器監察官。

Why do they sterilize a needle before lethal injection 在進行安樂死注射前,為什么還要對針進行消毒呢?

In any event , lethal injections are under federal scrutiny 無論如何,注射死刑處于聯邦的詳細審查之下。

Too much liquid can be lethal 運動時過量飲水可是要命的。

Which are a lethal blend of radioactive particles and microwaves 那是放射性微粒和微波的組合具毀滅性

Un satellite committee and non - lethal weapons inspectors 一個聯合國衛星委員會和非致命性武器監察官。

It was considered too lethal , even in controlled environments 即使在受控環境下也被認為是極其致命的

That lethal injection was just too good for them 用注射的方法沒有痛苦的死去簡直就是對他們的優待。

In mice however ayay is supposed to be lethal ( prenatal ) 就我所知,這種基因顏色不存在于邊境犬中。

It screens out lethal ultraviolet and x - rays from the sun 它阻擋了來自太陽的致命的紫外線和x射線。

And i accidentally gave them a lethal dose of an alkylating agent 我意外的給她注射了致命的烴化劑

Kate did lethal weapon bables 凱特拍攝過電影“致命武器嬰兒版

Then he would have had access to some very lethal medications 那他一定有機會接觸很多致命的藥物

Drosophila melanogaster recessive lethal test 果蠅隱性致死試驗