
letdown n.1.〔美國〕(速度,努力等的)下降,減少。2.松勁。...


Efficacy : pure natural bone collagen contain plenty of collagen , can repair the tired and damaged cells , tighten the skin around eyes quickly , improve the metabolism of water around eyes , help to letdown the black circle , crow ' s - feet , remove the flecks around eyes , make your eyes return tight and bright , emanate charming gloss 功效:純天然骨膠原成分,內含肌膚大量需求的膠原蛋白,能有效修復疲憊受損的肌膚細胞,并迅速緊致眼部肌膚,恢復眼部肌膚彈性,改善眼部周圍的水分循環,有助減退黑眼圈,魚尾紋,并消除眼部色斑,令雙眼恢復緊致明亮,散發迷人光彩!

The redundant use of montage and weird camera angle are really a letdown . well , maybe i am not korean and i have never done any research on the taste of the audience there , but it seems to me that the acceptibility of the audience in korea is really high . films like 正如前述,此片實驗味道太濃,剪接太亂,只見導演不斷捻弄蒙太奇剪接和鏡頭,搞得太抽象甚至刻意造作,和原意的自然自在效果背道而馳,實不適宜作商業片發行。

With the rise of productivity and the letdown of the cost of material , logistics plays an important role in the competition . logistics is looked as “ the third benefit resource of enterprise “ and involves in most parts of enterprises “ management 在21世紀,物流和創新是企業獲得競爭優勢的兩大手段,而且其中物流更是繼生產、銷售之后,成為企業發展的第三大支柱和第三利潤源泉。

High feed intake pre - farrowing can also lead to bacterial endotoxin production in the gut , which can have an adverse effect on the muscle cells that trigger milk letdown with the same results and make the sow unwell 產小豬前采食大量的飼料也會導致細菌內毒素在內臟產生,這樣會對肌肉細胞產生不利的影響,那就是引發產奶量下降并且導致母豬亞健康的原因。

Wang would pitch so well that it did not make much difference who played as the yankees beat the mariners , 9 - 2 , to squelch any talk of a post - red sox series letdown 阿民在今晚表現的就像以前一樣突出也順利帶領球隊以9 - 2擊敗水手,也讓一些懷疑他在紅襪的系列賽前狀況已經走下坡的謠言不攻自破。

Here ' s a true funny story about an overactive letdown reflex : a mother whose husband was a high school basketball coach was nursing her six - month old baby on the front bleachers 這里有一個真實有趣的故事:一個媽媽在看臺前給她6個月大的寶寶喂奶,她的丈夫是一個高中籃球教練。

They will counter the invisible chemical letdown by trying to change each other back to who they were - - or thought they were - - in the romance stage 他們會通過嘗試將對方還原成在“戀愛”階段原來的樣子或他們自己概念中的本來面目而去反抗那種無形的化學減退。

They will counter the invisible chemical letdown by trying to change each other back to who they were - - or thought they were - - in the romance stage 他們試圖通過把對方變回“浪漫愛戀”階段時(或者他們心里想象)的樣子,以此對抗無形的化學物質減退的狀況。

Sometimes they feel a few seconds of intense pain as the letdown ( or milk ejection ) reflex occurs , because it is so forceful 有時她們會在噴乳反射發生的時候感到幾秒鐘非常強烈的疼痛,因為噴乳反射太強了。

But this confusing place is a normal stage , a chemical letdown in both their brains 然而,這一令人困惑的階段其實再正常不過了,其原因就在于雙方大腦中的化學物質均已開始減退。

But this confusing place is a normal stage , a chemical letdown in both their brains 但是這樣一種令人困惑的境地其實是一個十分正常的階段,是雙方腦部的一種化學減退。

You are likely to realize that someone you thought you wanted to be with is a bit of a letdown 金牛座:你可能開始覺得你以為想和他一起的那個人有點讓你失望。

Rather than serving as the climax of the film , the gun fighting sequence is actually a big letdown 除了鍾欣桐和傅天穎外,實在想不到此片有什么好的地方。

Gorgeous , grandma . but kind of a letdown after the jewels , i ' m not gonna lie . . 太漂亮了,奶奶。但是在看完珠寶后,這讓我有些失望我不打算。 。 。

Gorgeous , grandma . but kind of a letdown after the jewels , i ' m not gonna lie 太漂亮了,奶奶。但是在看完珠寶后,這讓我有些失望我不打算。 。 。

So , prom was a letdown 舞會真讓人失望

Similarly , the higher the expectations , the bigger the letdown when they are not met 同樣的,期望越高,震撼也就越強烈。

What a letdown ! that wasn ' t as juicy as i thought 太令人失望了!不如我想像的那麼有趣。

Roger : no , not nearly as big . what a letdown 羅杰?是啊,差多了。真讓人大失所望。