
let vt.1.容許,讓,聽任;使得。2.假設,假定。3.出借...


Let 's talk it over again some other time . 我們另外找時間再談吧。

If you get a gun stuck, let me know . 你這里要是有搶卡住了,要通知我。

Slow down a bit and let me come up with you . 跑慢一點讓我趕上吧。

“pray let us be friends,“ said my mother . “咱們和好吧,”我母親說。

It's best to let sleeping dogs run themselves . 最好還是聽其自然。

This is a serious matter ; let 's not joke about it . 可別打哈哈。

You let me down doing thing like that . 你做那樣的事使我太失望了。

Let us take them in on the high spots . 我們還是讓他們正式參加吧。

Let us see ? there are donkeys in the river . 讓我看看?河里有許多驢。

Really ? let me wave to him to come . 是很新式的,讓我招手叫車開過來。

Let us suppose ( that ) the news is true . 我們假設這消息是正確的。

We decided to bunk together if they let us . 可以的話我們就睡在一起。

Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery . 讓別人去描寫罪惡的不幸吧!

Let us keep the conversation on a friendly plane . 讓我們友好地談話。

I am ashamed to let you see my paintings . 讓你看我的畫,很難為情。

Why not let giles fetch her by himself ? 干嘛不讓基爾斯自己去接她?

I have been ordered not to let anyone in . 我得到吩咐不讓任何人入內。

You must not let him walk over you like that . 你不能讓他那么欺負你。

Isn't it about time you let up on me ? 也該到從寬發落我的時候了吧?