
lester n.萊斯特〔姓氏,男子名〕。


Well , i . . . i don ' t want to talk about lester farley . anyway i can handle him 喔,我. . .我不想談到萊斯?法麗.總之我可以對付他

Lester : this display case has our complete line of cables and connectors 雷斯特:這個展示柜里有我們全系列的電纜線和連接器。

Lester : in other words , you only need a budget increase for the first order 萊司特:換句話說,你只需要增加第一批定單的預算。

Lester : we gave you specific instructions on how to package the boards 雷斯特:我們給了你們明確的指示該怎麼包裝這些音效卡。

Lester : excellent , but i made some last - minute changes to our plans 雷斯特:太好了。但我最后又把我們的計畫修改了一些地方。

You know me , lester 你知道的萊斯特

This is lester wong 這是萊斯特黃

Mr . fung ka kei , lester -馮嘉麒先生

Well , i . i don ' t want to talk about lester farley . anyway i can handle him 喔,我.我不想談到萊斯法麗.總之我可以對付他

So what did the lawyer say ? he was more worried about lester farley ? yeah 那么律師說什么?他更關心萊斯?法麗?喔

These comments by joy and lester were reflective of the general attitude 喬伊和萊斯特的這些評論反映了普遍的態度。

And lester racks out on deck 李斯特睡在甲板上

Lester : what is she doing 萊司特:她是做什么的?

Gets some friends , lester pope , who used to work with his father 他找來他爸爸以前工作上的同事.像是李斯特

Forget about the letter . what are you going to do about lester farley 忘記信吧.你準備怎么對付萊斯?法麗

Myra lester : every parting from you is like a little eternity 瑪拉?萊斯特:每一次和你分別都有些像是永別。

Lester : how much of a problem 萊司特:問題有多嚴重?

Lester : yes . we keep finding problems when testing the boards 萊司特:沒錯。我們測試聲卡時一直發現問題。

Lester b . pearson international airport 皮爾森國際機場