
lessing Gotthold Ephraim 萊辛〔1729-178...


Based on the theory of woolf ' s androgyny and lessing ' s masterpiece the golden notebook , this paper , by analyzing anna ' s life experience and her confused inner world , mainly discusses lessing ' s thoughts of feminism : women can gain real happiness and freedom only when women and men eliminate mutual hostility , support and struggle together 摘要本文以沃爾夫的“雙性同體”理論為切入點,通過對萊辛《金色筆記》中女主人公安娜坎坷的生活經歷和困惑的內心世界的分析,審視了萊辛的女性主義思想。

Since then , we have successfully staged the first hdt , attracted many of the world s biggest triathlon superstars to china including simon lessing , peter reid , juergen zack , katja schumacher , rebekah keat , belinda granger and heather fuhr to name but a few and introduced all the athletes to one of the best triathlon venues they have ever seen in asia 三亞海南探索國際鐵人三項賽2003以來,時間已經過去了一年。從那時算起,我們已經成功地舉行了第一屆賽事,吸引了許多世界著名的鐵人三項運動超級明星前來中國參賽,他們有:西蒙里

In addition to simon lessing , peter reid ( runner - up at hdt 02 ) , lori bowen , lothar leder , nicole leder , rebekah keat ( our 2002 ladies champion ) we expect athletes from around china and 18 other nations 麗德、妮歌.麗德、麗貝卡.克特( 2002三項鐵人賽女子職業組冠軍)等,我們預計將會有其他來自中國及18個國家的運動員參加。

We are honored that both simon lessing and peter reid have already confirmed their participation and that lori bowden will be “ returning “ after injury forced her to cancel her hainan trip at the last moment last year 里森格和彼特.瑞德都已經確認參賽,并且羅尼.保丹在去年因傷被迫最后取消了海南之行后,也將“重返“海南賽場。

For those of you who raced against 5 time world champion simon lessing last year , you will agree with simon that the choice of venue was superb and the organization truly world class 你們當中曾于去年與五次世界冠西蒙.萊森競賽的,都必定會同意西蒙所挑選的地點是頂級的,所組織的賽事更達世界級水平。

Lessing arrived in england with the manuscript of her first novel the grass is singing , which was published the following year and achieved outstanding success 萊辛帶著她的第一部小說手稿《野草在歌唱》來到了英國,該小說次年出版,并獲得巨大成功。

Although lessing had a wonderful childhood growing up in the bush , there were tensions in the family , particularly in her relationship with her mother 盡管萊辛在灌木叢里度過了一個美妙的童年,她的家庭關系卻十分緊張,尤其是她和母親之間。

British writer doris lessing was announced the winner of the nobel prize for literature in stockholm thursday , october 11 , 2007 2007年10月11日斯德哥爾摩宣布英國作家朵麗思萊辛為諾貝爾文學獎得主。

Doris lessing describes herself as a very early drop - out . she left school at fourteen and then taught herself through reading 多麗絲?萊辛說她很早就輟學了。她14歲那年離開學校,從此通過書本自學。

Lessing started to write when she was seven years old and believes that this tension helped her develop as a writer 萊辛七歲開始寫作,她相信正是這種緊張的氛圍幫助了她成為作家。

Lessing has explored a huge number of genres in her work and changes her style accordingly 萊辛嘗試過各種類型的寫作,也根據不同類型相應地改變自己的寫作風格。

Qian zhongshu goes beyond laokoon by g . e . lessing a commentary on the depreciation of qian zhongshu ' s academic achievements 兼評對錢鐘書學術成就的貶低

Distinctness and equivalent : lessing and su shi ' s understanding on theoretics between poems and paintings 蘇軾和萊辛詩畫觀的文化內涵比較

Crystallization of difference cultures : probing into theoretics between poems and paintings of lessing and su shi 萊辛與蘇軾詩畫異同說

My “ car lessing 觀音弟子的車福!

My “ car lessing “ back to contents 觀音弟子的車福!

Comparison of cultural connotation between the poetic view of su shi and lessing 試論蘇軾題畫詩的寫意性

What ' s the author ' s name , doris lessing 作者名叫什么,多麗斯?萊辛?

Lessing tackled new subjects in a new way 萊辛用新的方式來來寫新的主題。