
lessen vt.1.縮小,減少;減輕。2.貶低;輕視,看不起。vi...


The heat will lessen during the evening 晚間熱量會減輕。

8 . thin wall structure , light weight , lessen mechanical cubage 8薄壁結構質量輕,可減少機械體積。

There is no advantage to lessen the price of all the product 把所有的產品都降價出售沒有什么好處。

Some thoughts on raising peasants ' income and lessening their burdens 對農民增收減負的幾點看法

These measures can ' t help to lessen the existing tension 這些措施不能幫助緩和現在的緊張局勢。

On lessening scheme of state - owned shares 國有股減持方案設計研究

At last the fury of the storm lessened 風暴的猛烈程度終于降低了。

At last the fury of the storm lessened 風暴的猛烈程度終于降低了

Still , there is relief over the lessening of tensions 但這種箭拔弩弓的局勢還是有所緩和的。

The value of money lessens during inflation 通貨膨漲期間貨幣貶值。

Production in heavy industry has also lessened 重工業生產也減少了。

The peace talk lessen the tension of the two nations 和平談判降低了兩國之間的緊張關系。

What can we do to lessen her vexation 我們做些什么才能減輕她的煩惱呢?

The talks have resulted in a lessening of suspicion 談話消減了彼此的懷疑

On the research study of the math revision lessen 數學復習課的研究性學習

They learn how one pain can lessen another 他們學習如何以一種痛苦來讓另一種得以緩解

Doctors used to let blood from people to lessen a fever 過去醫生以放血來降低輕熱度。

The failure lessened his sense of achievement 那次失敗減少了他的成就感。

Several thoughts on lessening income distribution gap 關于縮小收入分配差距的幾點思考