
lessee n.【法律】承租人,租戶。


The lessee shall not sub - let the building to any other persons , except with the prior written approval of the lessor 除非事先有出租人的書面許可,承租人不得把該房再出租給其他任何人。

4 lessee uses the vehicles for activities detrimental to public interests or infringing on other people ' s legal rights 乙方不得利用租賃車輛從事其它有損公共利益或他人合法權益的活動。

Article 1 the litigants of the disputed case over the contract for financial leasing shall include the leasor and the lessee 一、融資租賃合同糾紛案件的當事人應包括出租人、承租人。

The lessee shall permit the lessor or his representative to enter the leased building for inspection at appropriate times 承租人應允許出租人及其代表在適當的時間進入該房進行檢查。

2 lessee should inform in writing and in a timely fashion lessor in case he changes name , address or telephone number 乙方名稱、地址、聯系電話等發生變更的,應及時書面通知甲方。

The lessee wants to buy certain equipment and sees in leasing the means to do this with less financial pressure 租賃人想買某種設備,把租賃看成在較小的財政壓力下達到目的的手段。

Article 247 lessee ' s obligation of due care ; maintenance obligations the lessee shall keep and use the lease item with due care 第二百四十七條承租人應當妥善保管、使用租賃物。

3 in a way not disturbing lessee , lessor has the right to enquire into the vehicle ' s condition and usage 在不影響乙方正常使用的情況下,甲方有權了解租賃車輛的狀況及使用情況。

The lessee shall not stock or position anything in the lobby , exit , hallway or stairs of the building 第六款承租人不得私自在大堂、出口、通道及樓梯處存放或擺設任何物品。

1 prior to signing this contract , lessor shall show lessee the car ' s valid documents and proof of owncrship 本合同簽定前,甲方應向乙方出示該車輛的有效證件及其權屬證明。

Chapter one states the feature of the legal relationship of ownership between the lesser and the lessee 筆者首先闡述了融資租賃中承、出租人之間所有權法律關系的特殊性。

Lessee should pay extra work fee for drivers and vehicles , and provide the essential on - job meals 承租方對司機和車輛加班支付加班費,且為出租方司機提供必要的工作餐。

Where the lessee subleases the lease item without the consent of the lessor , the lessor may terminate the contract 承租人未經出租人同意轉租的,出租人可以解除合同。

The lessor and the lessee may agree on the ownership of the lease item at the end of the lease term 第二百五十條出租人和承租人可以約定租賃期間屆滿租賃物的歸屬。

1 at the time of making arrangements for the lease , lessee should show lessor a proof of creditworthiness 辦理租賃手續時,應按要求向甲方提供合法有效的資信證明。

The lessee agrees to maintain the leased building in good condition and not allow it to further deteriorate 承租人同意將所租建筑保持良好狀態,并不得任其損壞。

The third party has right to request the lessee to make compensation for damages caused to it 因承租人的無效行為給第三人造成損失的,第三人有權要求承租人賠償。

While in possession of the lease item , the lessee shall perform the obligations of maintenance and repair thereof 承租人應當履行占有租賃物期間的維修義務。

Article 242 exclusion of lease item from bankruptcy assets of lessee title to the lease item vests in the lessor 第二百四十二條出租人享有租賃物的所有權。