
less adj.〔little 的比較級之一〕1.更小的,較小的...


The less you meddle with him the better . 你跟他越少來往越好。

The beetle is, in fact, less elongate . 這種甲蟲實際上不太長。

He has faults , but i like him none the less .. 他有缺點,但我仍舊喜歡他。

Spare a thought for those less fortunate than you . 關心一下比你困苦的人。

Less important football teams have small gates . 不太重要的足球隊觀眾少。

She 's no less capable than the others . 她的能力并不比別人弱。

They may become less enthusiastic partners . 他們就可能變成不熱心的伙伴。

The less said about life's sores, the better . 最好盡量少提生活中的辛酸。

If you do n't know , still less do i . 你不知道,我更不知道了。

He may not be less prone to the tender passion . 他并不乏柔情。

Alas, the truth is less romantic . 然而,真理很少帶有浪漫色彩。

The more advanced bring along the less advanced .. 先進帶后進。

Her comforts might not be less on that account . 她的福分不會因此而減少。

His condition has more or less improved . 他的情況多少有些改善。

He has faults ; none the less , i like him .. 他有缺點,但我仍舊喜歡他。

You know even less about it than i do . 你對此事知道得比我還少。

He has small french and less german . 他不大懂法語,德語更不行。

The barley has less straw, and it matures earlier . 大麥莖葉少,成熟早。

The purchase price is less if you pay by cash . 付現金的話,價錢便宜些。