
lespedeza n.【植物;植物學】胡枝子屬 (Lespedeza) 〔...


Seventeen important morphological characters were analysed to identify and evaluate genetic diversity of morphology of the lespedeza populations . fourteen vital morphological characters were studied using basic statistics , correlation analysis , factor analysis and cluster analysis . zymograms were analysed using eighteen alleles of seven allozymes 對14個關健形態學性狀指標的平均值、方差、標準差、變異系數等基本統計分析表明,胡枝子屬植物不同種間以及種內居群間在這14個重要形態學性狀上的遺傳差異較大,變異系數達28 . 89 122 . 36 (全生育天數除外,變異系數為4 . 72 ) 。

In this study fourteen wild lespedeza germplasms were collected from beijing , shanxi and heilongjiang province in 2001 and 2002 , and a nursary of these germplasms was established . genetic diversity of the lespedeza populations were studied at morphological . allozyme and rapd levels 本研究以2001 - 2002年從北京、山西和黑龍江三個地區收集的14份野生胡枝子屬植物為材料,建立種質資源圃,從形態學標記、等位酶標記和rapd標記三個方面進行了胡枝子屬植物遺傳多樣性的研究。

In the present dissertation , summarized and reviewed senior ' s study of lespedeza michx . , on the basis of this , studied plants of lespedeza michx . in inner mongolia by means of polynology and cladistics taxology , discussed part of controversial species with menthod of and peroxidase isoenzyme pattern analysis 本文在回顧和總結前人對胡枝子屬lespedezamichx .植物研究的基礎上,對在內蒙古分布的胡枝子屬植物進行了支序分類學和孢粉學研究;還對部分有爭議的種類做了過氧化物酶同工酶酶譜分析。

Both the leaf of lespedeza dahurica ( laxm . ) schindl . and the leaf of sophora flavescens ait . which live in the alkaline land of songnen plain , and the leaf of amorpha fruticosa linn . which grows in the land for salt enduring species sieving were made into paraffin sections 對生長在松嫩平原鹽堿地( ph = 8 . 5 - 9 )上的興安胡枝子和苦參的葉,以及生長在當地抗鹽樹種篩選試驗田( ph = 8 . 5 - 9 )上的紫穗槐的葉制作了石蠟切片,并對這些切片作了光鏡觀察和結構植物學分析。

There existed self - poison phenomenon and the ri was up to - 1 during the germination of s . chamaejasme when the concentration of petroleum ether extract was 20 gdw . ml - 1 . furthermore , different concentrations of ethanol extract inhibited the germination of lespedeza davurica 瑞香狼毒的自毒作用明顯,其作用的主要成分是葉乙醇提取物,當濃度為20gdw ? 100ml ~ ( - 1 )時,完全抑制了瑞香狼毒種子的萌發,化感效應指數達到- 1 。

Researches on purification technologic conditions of lespedeza dunnii flavonoids with ab - 8 macroporous resin and comparision of their purification antioxidant changes before and after being purified 春花胡枝子黃酮大孔樹脂純化工藝研究及純化前后抗氧化性變化比較

There exists a layer of big crystal cells in the spongy tissue of lespedeza dahurica ( laxm . ) schindl 興安胡枝子葉的海綿組織內,在臨近柵欄組織一側分布著一層大型含晶細胞。

A study on hardseededness and bourgeon characteristic of lespedeza inschaniea schindl 陰山胡枝子種子硬實與萌發特性研究

Analysis on soil conservation effort of bicolor lespedeza 胡枝子的水土保持效應分析