
lesley n.萊斯莉〔女子名〕。


It brings together works from 10 artists in the hong kong section including bai chongmin wu weihe beijing , neil conroy lesley sanderson , he chengyao beijing , anthony leung po - shan hong kong , rosanna li weihan hong kong , susan lok pui - san , mayling to , and zheng bo hong kong . the artists will employ various media including painting and drawing , sculpture and ceramic , photography and video , and performance to reflect upon the interrelated issues of gender and body , particularly in the context of china or the chinese diaspora 是次香港部份的十位參展藝術家包括:白崇民及吳瑋和(北京) 、 neil conroy & lesley sanderson (英國) 、何成瑤(北京) 、梁寶山(香港) 、李慧嫻(香港) 、駱佩珊(英國) 、杜美玲(英國) 、及鄭波(香港) ,透過不同媒介繪畫、雕塑、陶塑、攝影、錄像及表演,指向與性別及身體,特別是該課題在中國及華僑語境下的涵意。

It s possible that individuals who exercise in cooler water may have an exaggerated energy intake following exercise which may be a reason why they don t lose as much weight said lesley white of the college of health and human performance who led the study 領導這次研究的健康與人類行為學院的萊斯利懷特說: “部分在冷水中游泳的人可能通過吃又吸收了更多的熱量,這可能就是他們不能減肥的原因。 ”

“ we know high body weight increases the risk of a number of cancers and it is important we get this message out to as many people as possible , ” the daily mail quoted dr lesley walker , of cancer research uk , as saying 《每日郵報》援引英國癌癥研究中心的萊斯利?沃爾克博士的話說: “我們知道,體重過大會增加患各種癌癥的風險,因此,我們要讓盡可能多的人知道這個信息。 ”

“ ponies and zebras very rarely share the same environment even in the wild . a meeting between the two is very rare in the natural environment , “ said lesley barwise - munro , spokeswoman for the british equine veterinary association 英國獸醫協會研究馬科動物的女發言人萊斯麗-巴外斯-曼路說: “野生狀態下,矮種馬和斑馬共同相處的可能性極少,二者很少有機會相遇。

Unfortunately , a crime was about to committed but at that moment lesley was unaware of the impending event , which would affect her life so drastically for the next two years 一項犯罪就要得逞了。而不幸的是,就在那時,萊斯利對即將發生的事毫無察覺。這件事將徹底改變她此后兩年的生活。

Lesley ' s company had been hired to advertise the new science complex in order to raise corporate money for the proposed building 萊斯利的公司已經接下了為新的科學綜合大樓做廣告的工作,以便為計劃中的大樓籌集合作基金。

The following day , happily for lesley , the headline of the local paper read , “ father turns over child . mother slams system 翌日,使萊斯利感到高興的是當地報紙的頭條新聞: “父親將孩子送回,母親猛烈抨擊體制” 。

A review of major developments in commercial property law over the last twelve months . ( lesley webber of beachcroft wansbroughs ) 專業人士回顧過去十二個月有關商業樓宇法律的主要發展。原版英文發音。

Lesley yalen is a poet and fiction writer who is currently getting her mfa at the university of massachusetts 萊斯莉-雅蘭是詩人和小說作者。她目前在美國麻省州立大學攻讀寫作碩士學位。

Meanwhile , for lesley the nightmare continued to unfold as the reality of the situation deepened 與此同時,對于萊斯利,隨著事件真相的不斷深入,噩夢也在繼續顯現。

Lesley became determined to target every major city where jeff normally contracted business 萊斯利開始決定在杰夫平日聯系生意的每一個主要城市去尋找目標。

As the months slipped by , lesley ' s exhaustion became noticeable in her eyes 幾個月過去了,從萊斯利的眼里,可以明顯感覺到她的確精疲力竭了。

As the days passed , lesley ' s frustration mounted and she felt a sense of alarm 時間一天天地過去,萊斯利感到日益失望,她有一種恐慌的感覺。

Prices fluctuated violently from the irregularity of the crops ( lesley b . simpson 由于作物產量不穩定導致價格劇烈波動(萊斯利b ?辛普森) 。

Ms . lesley f . h . lau , curator art promotion office of the lcsd 劉鳳霞女士康樂及文化事務署藝術推廣辦事處館長